Basic Warrior Stance

The Basic Warrior Stance (BWS from here on out) is the fighting stance of the MCMAP. No fancy monkey kung-fu here, just some things that seem like they should be common sense, but aren't.

To properly assume the BWS, place your feet shoulder width apart, then take one step backwards with your dominant side (if you are right-handed, you are most likely right hand dominant, so step backwards with your right foot -- if the stance isn't comfortable like this, switch it up. You won't be an effective fighter if you can't get used to your stance).
Distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Point both of your toes straight ahead; they should always be pointing at "the enemy". (this is counter-intuitive; most people instinctively turn their back foot 30-90 degress for balance.)
Next, bend your legs slightly at the knee and turn your torso so you are facing 45 degrees away from where your toes are pointing. Look where your toes point. You are now presenting a narrow profile to your enemy. Lift your arms up, fingers curled naturally (not clenched) into a loose fist. each fist should be about eye level, directly in front of your shoulder. Elbows should be in tight to the body.
The BWS isn't perfect. That's why it's Basic. You will most likely have to make some minor adjustments for it to be comfortable to you.
If you have a good Basic Warrior Stance, will feel it. there will be a feeling of relaxed balance, a connection with the ground through your legs and feet. you will feel like an extension of the earth.

Angles of Movement (AoM)

Most people, having never been in a fight, don't know that it's imperitive to not move the same in combat as when they're walking to their favorite bagel stand. The most important thing to remember about the AoM is that never, ever, should your legs cross. There are eight angles of movement: forward, forward left, forward right, left, right, backward left, backward right, and backward. Each has a tactical use. Ideally, one step should cover no more than 18 inches; any farther than that and you risk giving your balance to your enemy.

To move forward: Step forward 12-15 inches with your lead foot (that would be your left foot for you righties), then follow with your rear foot.

To move left: lift your left foot (whether it be lead or rear), step out 12-15 inches, and quickly bring your right foot back into the BWS.

To move right: lift your right foot, step to the right 12-15 inches, follow with the left foot.

To move backwards: lift your rear foot, step backwards 12-15 inches, follow it with your front foot, returning to the BWS. Take care to keep your eyes on your enemy.

Angles are a little bit trickier. The only thing to remember is that you always step first with the same foot as the lateral direction you intend to move.

To move forward left: lift your left foot, step out 12-15 inches at a 45 degree angle outboard, and point your foot 45 degrees inboard. follow up with your right foot. you should now be facing half right -- at a 45 degree angle to where you were before.

To move forward right: lift your right foot, step out 12-15 inches at a 45 degree angle outboard, and point your foot 45 degrees inboard. Follow up with your left foot. this time, you should be facing half left.

To move rear left: lift your left foot. step backwards and out 45 degrees. Point your toe inboard at a 45 degree angle. Follow up with your right foot. be _very_ careful when executing this movement to not get crossed up!

To move rear right: lift your right foot. Step backwards 12-15 inches and out 45 degrees. Point your toe inboard 45 degrees. Follow up with your left foot.

If you did all eight movements correctly, you should be in approximately the same position as when you started, facing the same direction. A little practice, and you'll have it down pat!

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Next: Principles of Strikes and Punches
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