Now, NBC is showing advertisements at the bottom of the screen during movies!

Anyhow, here comes the end of the weekend, how quickly they go by... I spend the some of the time trying to set some goals. Lose weight, organize my studio, read some good books, cook some great food, wait, there is some compatibility problem here....

But seriously, I got this book called "Wishcraft" that is supposed to help you define your goals. I had a real problem with the exercises in the book, because they are hard to think about. You start with "Who am I" and work up to "What are my goals". And this goal thing is starting to scare me. I mean, what if I find out I am meant for bigger and better things? What if my money-grubbing-pursuit of my job is not what I'm "supposed to be doing"?

On the other hand, the daily grind could provide me funding to pursue something grander later.

Then again, maybe I'll get hit by a Mack truck tomorrow.

Hey! The Fugitive is back on!!! Gotta go.....