Are you the kind of person that have CDs laying out all over your floor? Are you always stepping on one of them when you are in a hurry? Do you need some kind of way to organize your CD's? Fear not, for here come I with my brilliant solution. (Note: no, this is not an infomercial :)

What this "brilliant idea" is really all about, is printing out these small little paper stickers about 5x5 mm width with numbers on them, conveniently ranging from 1 to whatever arbitrary number of CD's in my collection. On each CD in my archive there is one of these small stickers at the back. Then, if I would like to get one of my records, I simply hook in the database of records I've created at my computer, or take a glance at the list sheet I've printed out. This is also very convenient if I think someone has stolen my records, as I can hunt them down and kill them take my record back.

With the database solution I can search for artist, album and song name (wow!), and with the less functional, but still valuable printed sheet solution, I can simply let my eyes slide down the the alphabetically sorted list of artists to find the album that I so desire to listen to. However, the database implementation I will not discuss in this writeup (maybe for the best of us all?).

The only, maybe minimal, drawback to this method is that i have to print out more of these damn stickers with numbers every fucking time I aquire a new record for my already too large collection.

CzarKhan says "man, I've had a d-base of my cd's for YEARS but I don't do the sticker thing"
Well, that's the beauty of it, you just search your way through the CD's placed in a row, and rapidly find the CD associated with that number.