I have a full gas tank, the whole day laid out in front of me. It's sunny, clear, a perfect 60o out. This song comes on the radio, my eyes tear up and I need to shake my head.

'Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance...'

Stop it, Jane. You can go anywhere you want right now. Pour your rage into the gas pedal and drive away. You can leave everything behind, don't look back. Except for yourself; you can never get away from yourself.

'Take these shackles off my feet'
I'm bawling now, pounding the steering wheel with my puny girl fists.

As with all families, I have fallen easily into my set role:
I am the joker, the one most likely to know the offhand fact.
I have the one-liners and a touch of cynicism.
I'm the one to call when that word is on the tip of your tongue, I'll find it for you.
You could call me obnoxious.
You could call me the little sister. You could call me loved.

You could call me and I'd come running, anything to get away.

'Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance.'