This also applies to clicker training, as the two concepts are useful to you. If, as I do, you reside in an apartment, you may want to paper train your pup. You can also purchase the fake grass pads that have the tray underneath. To make clean up infinitely easier, you can place a pee pad underneath the top two layers of the grass pad.

So, where do we begin? Well, I use a crate training and paper training method. Yes, there will be accidents. Here's what I did.

Place the grass pad and pee pads in a consistent, easily accessible place for the dog. Wedging it behind furniture is not the best idea, however, the middle of the floor isn't entirely wonderful either. Find a compromise that works for you.
2) Show your dog where the potty spot is. I wouldn't use the training sprays. The one I found didn't work, however, if you find one that does work, go ahead and try it. Wait until your puppy has chewed something or eaten, and place him or her on the pee pad. Wait about twenty minutes, then let her go ]play for a bit.

If you see her sniffing the ground, pick her up and place her on either of the pads. Praise her even if she misses but is close. Clean up any urine using the pee pads. Make sure you are feeding dry food and treats, as this will create firm, easily picked up stools.

Follow your nose. If you can't find a pile right away, follow the smell. Start on one side of the room and crawl toward the smell. Be careful not to kneel in the mess. Remember to stay consistent.

If your pup does do her business on the pad, even if it's just pee, take her by the scruff, crouch down and point to the pad and say something like "good potty!" and give her a cookie.

This process will take about two weeks to complete. Now, I mentioned crating. Here's how I did it.

My dog was absolutely petrified of her crate, to the point that she would play hide and seek if I tried to put her in it. You may have to wrestle your pup in the first ten or twelve times. Always use a consistent phrase such as "in your crate" every time you plunk her behind in it. Drop in a few dry treats and after a while, she'll figure it out. Mine isn't exactly afraid of her crate anymore.

Note: do not leave your pup in longer than 1 hour per month plus one. At the absolute most 12 hours. Make sure your young one gets plenty of exercise, whether it be walks, jogs, playing fetch, etc. Once your puppy is sufficiently tired, gently place her in her crate with a toy and a few treats.

Remember, don't scold your pup for a mess that you find later. She won't understand why you are scolding her, and will become afraid of you. This is the exact opposite of what we want.

Let me know if you have questions, or if I've missed anything.

Source: personal experience, various web pages.