...Day Logs for December 31 and January 1 are the most popular, but remember...

...New Years resolutions are false ambition...

Face it people, just be honest with yourselves for once. A day passing on a calender that really has no relevance is not going to change you life. If you don’t have the courage to just jump into something in the middle of the year, you won’t have the dedication to keep to vague resolutions like ”Get fit” or ”Be a better person” past February 1, 2001. After Christmas I noticed kids on every street riding their new scooters, destined to become garage fodder in a year. After New Years I always notice the inexperienced joggers, chugging down the street looking like they are just about to keel over and die, any minute now. I respect people who decide to burn a few extra pounds off their ass, but for people who just resolve because of a date on a calender, wake up and quit wasting your time.

365 Tomorrows...

...goodbye 2000