The Mitsubishi Diamante

A V6 Sedan buit by Mitsubishi. Began in 1992-present. Touted for its luxury and preformance, (Still, though many agree...with only 215hp, it is slow and heavy.) Began as a 3.0L V6 (92-96) then evolved into a 3.5L V6 (97-02) The 92-96 V6, was the same that was used in many Chrysler and Plymouth minivans. The later V6 was borrowed from the Intrepid, and later 300M Chrysler models. Sold in other countries as the Magna or the Verada. Overseas models had an optional 2.5L Inline 4, and 5 speed manual transmission. The US versions were V6, 4 speed automatic transmission only. One of the first Mistubishi's to have 4 wheel ABS, and a drivers side airbag. Notorously hard to replace stereo was included with 6 speakers. From personal experience.....anemic preformance, and sub-par gas mileage. Not too many repairs, but when they do occur, extremley costly.