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allele allotype anaphase antisense RNA ascospore ascus autogamy autosomal Barr body binary fission blending inheritance carrier (genetic meaning not yet noded) cDNA aka complementary DNA cell division centimorgan centromere chiasma (genetic meaning not yet noded) chimera chromatid chromatin chromosome chromosome damage codon crossover cistron clone cytokinesis deoxyribonucleic acid aka DNA dimorphism, dimorphic diploid DNA aka deoxyribonucleic acid DNA fingerprinting DNA sequencing dominant duplication (genetic meaning not yet noded) dyad (genetic meaning not yet noded) electrophoresis euchromatin eugenics eukaryote evolution exon exon shuffling expression of genes gamete gametophyte gene (also see genes) gene deletion gene duplication gene pool gene therapy genetic engineering genetic fitness genetic trait genetic variation genetics genome genomics genotype guanine gynandromorph haploid heredity heritability hermaphrodite heterozygous heterozygote histone homeobox genes, aka hox genes homologous chromosomes homologue (genetic meaning not yet noded) homoplasmy (specific genetic meaning not yet noded) Human Genome Project hybrid hybridize inbreed inbreeding incest incestuous inducer (genetic meaning not yet noded) induction (genetic meaning not yet noded) interphase intron inversion (genetic meaning not yet noded) karyokinesis karyotype kinetochore (nodeshell) lateral inhibition linkage (genetic meaning not yet noded) locus (genetic meaning not yet noded) meiosis Mendel's Laws (nodeshell) (see also Mendel, Gregor Mendel) mRNA aka messenger RNA metaphase microtubules mitosis monosomy mutagen mutant mutation natural selection neuroplasm nitrogenous base nondisjunction nucleolus nucleotide nucleus (genetic meaning not yet noded) oncogene oogenesis operon organelle ovum parthenogenesis pedigree phenotype phylogenetic plasmid plastid polymorphic polymorphism polyploid prion programmed cell death prokaryote promoter (genetic meaning not yet noded) prophase protoplast recessive recessive genes recombination replication (genetic meaning not yet noded) retrovirus RNA polymerase ribosome satellite chromosome satellite RNA segregation (genetic meaning not yet noded) self-fertilization selfish gene somatic species sperm spermatocyte spermatogenesis spermatogonium spindle (genetic meaning not yet noded) spore sporophyte syncytium synteny telomere telophase tetrad (genetic meaning not yet noded) transcription tranduction (genetic meaning not yet noded) transgenic translation translocation transposon trisomy viability X chromosome Y chromosome zygote
adenine adenosine triphosphate, aka ATP adenosine diphosphate, aka ADP amino acid arginine cyclic AMP aka cAMP or cyclic adenosine monophosphate denature deoxyribonucleic acid aka DNA DNA aka deoxyribonucleic acid enzyme glycine glutamine guanine holoenzyme hormone isozyme leucine ligand lysine methionine nitrogenous base nucleotide peptide peptide bond phenylalanine pheromone receptor polymerase polymerase chain reaction polypeptide restriction enzyme reverse transcriptase RNA aka ribonucleic acid RNA polymerase satellite RNA telomerase threonine thymine transcription tRNA, aka transfer RNA tryptophan tyrosine uracil
antibody antigen mast cell
achondroplasia albinism (see also albino) ataxia-telangiectasia cancer carcinoma Down's Syndrome Duchenne muscular dystrophy fragile X syndrome Hemophilia Huntington's chorea aka Huntington's disease Klinefelter's Syndrome leukemia lymphoma Marfan's Syndrome neurofibromatosis PKU - Phenylketonuria polydactyly (see polydactyl) sarcoma Sickle Cell Anemia Tuner's Syndrome
blastomere blastopore blastula determination (embryology meaning not yet noded) development differentiation (embryology meaning not yet noded) endosperm gastrulation gastrula oogenesis organelle organogenesis ovum pollen spermatocyte spermatogenesis
amniocentesis carcinogen genetic counseling metastasis teratogen
adaptive radiation adaptive strategies r and K allopatric speciation altruism assortative mating Biological Species Concept bottleneck (population-genetic meaning not yet noded) carrying capacity cladistic evolutionary theory codon bias deme (population-genetic meaning not yet noded) effective population size evolution evolutionary biology exon shuffling fecundity fitness (population-genetic meaning not yet noded) genetic drift genetic variation genetics Hardy-Weinberg Principle homology migration mimicry molecular clock natural selection nearly neutral theory neutral theory parthenogenesis phenetics population punctuated equilibrium selection coefficient selectively neutral species survival of the fittest Wright-Fisher population size
The Genetics of Hair Color Applied Molecular Genetics quantum genetics Universal Genetic Code genetic mutant The Genome Project fruitfly genome Playing the Human Genome
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