In reference to the Nine Inch Nail's tour. This was the best concert I've ever been to in a venue larger than a shoe box. Seems like I missed out on something, not living in a time where music was, well, art. Had I been born in the 70's or 60's I probably would've had a much easier existence (assuming I didn't die of a drug overdose), but I digress. This show made me understand what I should be seeing everytime I pay TicketMaster 40 bucks for a lawn seat. Not only did NiN tear up the place, they did it live, with no tracks or lipsyncing. They were the most emotional and powerful performers that I have ever seen. Not only that, but they did an encore. I thought those didn't exist anymore. When the second verse of Hurt came on, not one person in that crowd could help but sing the lyrics beat for beat along with Trent. He seemed so alone on stage at that moment, but he was back where he belongs, among his fans.