The story is set in the near distant future, where an ecological disaster has caused pollution levels to rise such that human beings can no longer exist in the normal atmosphere and must live inside of "lifesuits". These suits would allow individuals to experience anything possible on the outside world without leaving the confines of their lifesuit, and are plugged into a Grid which is owned, maintained and controlled by a company called Plus Bond. This corporation patrols the Grid and the streets, ensuring that everyone within high pollution areas stays within their lifesuits. The protagonist of the story, Bob Snow is fighting against the control of Plus Bond. He breaks into the Grid and discovers a way to broadcast a live concert to the residents of the Grid, whose experiences are mostly pre-recorded. The concert, which will be staged at the Cut theatre (or the Life House), will allow the band and the audience to "merge" and therefore, release the minds and bodies of those who are trapped inside the Grid with the help of others who either lived as drifters or as farmers on the outskirts of civilization.