"You are a guardian of memories, and today, you will also be confronted with the future. Try to fuse futuristic insights with the memories that you have, you will see, it will put things into perspective. Expect this day to be very emotional for you!"
-- The stars

Thirteen years ago this afternoon, I became a grandfather, or as she and her siblings came to call me, G-Dad. Unlike her mom and her uncle, I've never missed one of her birthday parties, and very few of her events. Time marches on, and we all grow older, and this year she's doing something different and having a night out with friends. One more milestone in the life of this family. Words, words, words, and more words that I just can't seem to put together in the order I desire to express how I feel about this and all that's connected. *sigh*

Speaking of words, Terse Quest 2024 has less than a week to go. I'm pleased with the progress, having applied an arbitrary measurement as to its potential success. It has received more submissions than I had hoped for! Although, my second arbitrary goal has yet to be met. Likewise, my E2 education has continued. Many thanks to those participating! More on this to come with my recap once February, and the quest, have ended. (There's still time to contribute if interested. Just sayin'. Also, and possibly more importantly, if you haven't read and/or voted on the entries, there's still time for that, too.)

May your day be blessed in ways you recognize and appreciate.

Prickle-Prickle, the 54th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3190