Another mysterious Lido is "The Lido", a shop of doubtful purpose in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on West Broadway. Peering in the windows, one sees rack after rack of dented cans, offbrand cans and boxes, and faded name brand cans dating back to the 80s.

For years I assumed it was long-since shut down, but the other day they were open very briefly on a Sunday. (I saw the open sign at 11 while passing on the bus; when I returned two hours later they were locked shut as usual.) Whether anyone bought any of their dubious merchandise is a mystery; the remaining stock looks as dusty as ever. I've interviewed several long-time Vancouver residents about it; none had ever actually been inside, but apparently the Lido has been there very occasionally peddling skeevy food for some 30 years.

They don't bother to list themselves in the business phone directory, they're not a member of the better business bureau, they don't advertise, there is no regular clientele. Currently my best theory is that the owners have some sort of spiritual attachment to the site, perhaps for the purpose of performing secret rituals to align the chi of the city to prevent earthquakes, and, unable to obtain a building permit for a church in an area zoned for commerce, maintain a false storefront to comply with by-laws and merrily continue geomancing in the back room. Possibly they make enough in side sales of botulism toxin from bulging cans to the producers of Botox to pay the annual leasing fees and property tax.

Meanwhile the cruise ships with luxury "Lido" decks that pass through haven't sued for copyright infringement. One only hopes the Lido doesn't supply their larders.