Sleepy at work. Stayed up too late noding.

My new gelly wristrest is nice, but my wrists still aren't happy. RPM kept freezing while I was trying to post the price file. Bastard. Two hours later (turns out it was an indexing problem after a fund code correction on friday), it's working and I can finish the bloody start-up procedures. Make an appointment with my doctor. Rest of the day is pretty tame. The most boisterous of my many managers is taking a vacation day, and the president is off somewhere all day. Quiet. I spend lunch, after eating some fish, holed up in the Social Sciences division in the central library. It's funny the attitudes about religion growing up a-religious brings me. I try to hide the titles of books I'm reading, even dry and scholarly survey texts, lest someone see me and label me a religious nutbar. Leave early to go catch the painfully slow Main St bus.

Poke, prod. I have tendonitis! Woop! Great. I'm to bring cushions in to work to compensate for my chair and desk being designed for tall people, and NO TYPING AT HOME SINCE YOU CAN'T AVOID IT AT WORK! Oh, I know, I'm typing now, but I've been SO good all evening. I only checked my email twice and bonk twice and everything twice and that was all with my mouse and my less-affected right hand. Hee, whatever, brooke. Just goes to show what a twitch I'll be if I ever DO completely lose the usefulness of my wrists.

Pick up a gelly mouse rest from RadioShack, henceforward to be known as StupidShack (in the august tradition of StupidStore (Superstore) and StupidShop (FutureShop)). Mm. Gooshy. Doesn't help my left hand any, but might as well pamper them both. Buy butter and fruit snacks, even though I've got quite enough sugar in the house as it is with that blasted box of lucky charms I bought on the weekend. Sit around and read trashy dragon fantasy books. Trash trash trash! Rot my brain! Don't think I'll need it again! (slap!)

Ow, my left wrist is hurting already. Good night.