Coerced by public opinion and fan demand, new novels of Gor are rumored to be in development.

"But the Gorean books are written against a background of reality, complexity, depth, breadth, history, experience, psychology, ethnology, biology, and sociobiology. As far as I know, they are the most carefully constructed and intricately designed alternate world in the history of science fiction and fantasy. They are healthy, sane, sound, and fun."
John Norman


On the all-too-near world of Gor, a planet orbiting our very own Sun, we find an unlikely hero in Pete Hegseth of Earth, suddenly transported to this savage realm of sword and sorcery. Our protagonist, once a Fox News host and military veteran, now finds himself thrust into a world where might makes right and social justice is as alien a concept as indoor plumbing.

Social Justice Warrior of Gor opens with our hero materializing in the middle of a bustling slave market, his tailored suit and perfectly coiffed hair drawing curious stares from the barbaric denizens. Armed only with his quick wit and a mysteriously transported axe (which he is careful not to throw), Hegseth must navigate the perilous landscape of Gorean politics and culture.

As he struggles to understand this new world, Hegseth who is now known as Teep Thegesh after being forced to use they/them pronouns, finds themselves embroiled in a plot to overthrow the High Tarn of Ar, a tyrannical ruler who bears an uncanny resemblance to a certain former President. Along the way, they encounter a cast of archetypical characters, including:

Throughout his adventures, Thegesh grapples with the harsh realities of Gorean society, often finding their Earth-born morals at odds with the planet's brutal customs. The struggle to reconcile their desire for "traditional values" with a world where tradition means something very different indeed drives the entire narrative.

The novel reaches its climax in a grand battle atop the towers of Ar, where Thegesh must choose between their loyalty to Don-ald and their newfound understanding of true leadership and justice. In a twist ending, Thegesh realizes that the real treasure was the liberal tears they collected along the way.

Building on the themes found in Fighting Slave of Gor, Social Justice Warrior of Gor is a satirical romp that blends the sword-and-planet subgenre with biting political commentary, offering a funhouse mirror reflection of our own world's political landscape. It's a tale that would make John Norman blush and Mark Twain chuckle, as it skewers both the excesses of cable news punditry and the problematic aspects of classic pulp fiction.


Upon the savage world of my Earth, there exists a curious breed of warrior, one who wields neither blade nor bow nor axe, but the cutting edge of righteous indignation. These are the Social Justice Warriors, a caste as misunderstood as they are maligned, as passionate as they are polarizing. Like the fierce panther girls of the northern forests of Gor, they stalk the digital jungles of social media, ever vigilant for the scent of perceived oppression. Their battle cries echo through the corridors of the Internet, striking fear into the hearts of those who dare to challenge their agenda.

The Social Justice Warrior is a complex creature, driven by a primal urge to right the wrongs of society. Yet, like the slave girls of Ar, they often find themselves bound by the very chains they seek to break. Their quest for justice can become a form of bondage, tying them to an endless cycle of outrage and retribution, retribution and outrage.

In their zeal, these warriors sometimes lose sight of the true nature of their crusade. They become intoxicated with the heady wine of moral superiority, seeing enemies where there are only misguided souls. Like the Priest-Kings of Gor, they seek to impose their will upon others, believing that their way is the only true path to enlightenment. But let us not dismiss these warriors too hastily. For in their hearts burns a flame of passion that cannot be extinguished. They are the voice of the voiceless, the shield of the vulnerable. In a world as harsh and unforgiving as Gor, perhaps such fierce devotion to justice is not only admirable but necessary.

Yet, as any native Gorean knows, strength lies not in dogma, but in the ability to adapt and overcome. The Social Justice Warrior who learns to temper their passion with wisdom, to seek understanding rather than conquest, may yet become a force for true change among the populace of the world called Earth. For in the end, is not the pursuit of justice a noble goal? Is it not the duty of every free person to fight for what they believe is right? Perhaps, in their own way, these Social Justice Warriors are as Gorean as any tarnsman or kajira, bound by their beliefs, yet striving always for freedom, justice, and the American way.

Mother, oh Mother, why didst thou once forsake me?

That question, and its echoes, remained unanswered as Teep Thegesh unfolded from their morning meditation.

Anticipated to be released in Spring 2026, this book will be preceded by Tory of Gor later this year and is to be followed by Secretary of Defense of Gor in the Fall of 2026. A concurrent, companion duet is also in the works, tentatively titled Doge of Gor and Dogecatcher of Gor to be released soon thereafter if all goes according to plan.

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