- We gonna party like it's 1999 (e2poll)
- Just because I like ballet it doesn't mean I'm a poof
- I'm gonna make you come tonight
- Well if it's gonna be THAT kinda party, then I'm gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
- fuck it, I love you even if I'm gonna feel like shit
- I'm feeling like a custard now
- If my roommate doesn't keep his hands off my shit, I'm gonna fuck him up
- She doesn't look like Mother anymore
- This Sounds Like Goodbye
- I don't like your reality, I'm going to make my own
- I'm Gonna Watch You Sleep
- She doesn't like you
- You don't see the light at the end of the tunnel now, but it's there. I'm holding it for you.
- When I'm wearing a bonnet and sipping pretend tea with Miss Ponykins and Zippy the Ugly Zebra, that's when I feel the most like a man
- You are like red strings tied on my fingers tonight
- scattering, like flower petals or crowds from the sound of a gunshot
- You're laughing now, but I'm voting this sucka down
- Ain't what I'm gonna be, ain't what I wanna be, but lord thank you I ain't what I used to be.
- Just because I'm black doesn't mean I can rap
- Not now, Ma! I'm busy noding! (e2poll)
- I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
- The boss ain't gonna like this
- the wind sounds like rain today
- The sound was starting to get stuck in my head like "It's a Small World"
- you just hauntin 'round like a shadow now
- I'm Gonna Git You Sucka
- Just because I say Happy Hanukkah doesn't mean I'm Jewish
- Now I'm Nothing
- Now that sex is a marketing strategy, I'm not sure I enjoy it anymore
- Bloody hell... I'm gonna die to Boney M
- tonight the cat decided to get in my bed which he doesn't usually do
- I'm Stupider Now: My Life at the Craps Table
- I'm reading this like you're chewing with your mouth full
- I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
- This is what it sounds like
- and i'm shaking like a leaf, and they call me under
- Someone has writer's block but I don't know if I'm him right now
- Right now, I'm wishing for fireflies
- Party like it's the end of the world
- drum rudiments which sound like they were named by a neural net
- Those Don't Sound Like Bats
- When I growl, the sound echoes like thunder all through the valleys and woodlands, and children tremble with fear, and women cover their heads with their aprons, and big men run and hide.
- I like the sound of my own voice
- just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die
- I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
- just because i'm out on the balcony doesn't mean i'm about to jump
- Just because I'm nice to her doesn't mean I want to fuck her
- If you EVER come across an empty floor, just know that I'm gonna fuck you up.
- I'm taking all I have to take, this taking's gonna shape me
- One more look at the ghost before I'm gonna make it leave
- i feel like i'm single-handedly destroying the rain forest
- From now on, any ordinary knowledge is no longer going to satisfy you, I'm afraid
- I'm angry, and tired, and sad, and I just don't want to deal with it right now, so fuck off
- I'm creating a religion... you'll like it!
- I like hearing you talk. It doesn't matter if I don't understand.
- this writeup made me hungry like DAMN so I'm chinging it!
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little otter, a sexy little otter!
- Things that no one told you...until now, because I'm telling you. Consider yourself fortunate
- if i'm right, you'll be here to read this any day now
- So I'm wrestling with the demoness while the priest is trying not to soil his vestments, and Faust is just sitting there like an idiot
- Gosh! That single kiss made me feel like I'm charged up with the power of a million exploding suns!
- Please say it's not too late now that I'm dead and gone
- I'm happy but you don't like me
- now I'm down in it
- You're Gone Now. And I'm (Not) Sorry.
- sounds like an affliction
- I like you. Now let me tell you all my flaws.
- for a long time i was afraid i would forget; now i'm afraid i might not
- I feel like I'm being watched
- Your vote doesn't matter anyway, so you might as well vote 3rd party
- They'd smell what body to body sounds like
- the lightning strike sounded like a car falling out of the sky
- she likes to dance on the edge. it's all she's known and she won't change now
- The Answer to What it Sounds Like
- what will the internet be like five hundred years from now?
- Madness drips from the walls like the wax of weeping candles, and written in the residue is the question: Where Are You Now?
- and now it's gone like a dream
- for now, I like it fine
- In the future, hairstyles will be just like they are now
- And while the angel and the succubus are arguing, I'm trying to make sure Faust doesn't stop breathing
- Which doesn’t sound so crazy when we put it that way
- stop garage sales (or why Joe Lieberman doesn't like video games)
- I like hearing myself talk. It doesn't matter if you don't understand.
- The voting system doesn't work because I'm drunk and that fucks it up
- I'm a Chicken-Hawk, and I'm gonna eat me some chickens
- the longing doesn't end and you're never gonna get my heart
- doesn't look like anything to me
- What're we gonna do tomorrow night, Brain?
- I'm Gonna Ride That Southern Railway Line
- I like the city, but the city doesn't like me
- I realize that just because I like something a lot, it doesn't mean it is of high quality
- Gonna Fly Now
- I'm sure gonna miss those brain cells
- I'm gonna miss this light when it's gone. I'm gonna miss this darkness too.
- You beat it in me, that part of you/But I'm gonna split us back in two
- What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?
- I like the way I'm doing it better than the way you're not
- I feel like I'm missing pieces of sleep
- Aw, Mom, ya know I'm not like other guys; I'm nervous and my socks are too loose
- Sorry I'm late. Windows XP forgot to sound my alarm this morning.
- Someone takes care of me and I squirm like I'm caught in a lie
- Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
- I'm gonna be sad and then I want you to make me laugh
- My aunt doesn't like them
- Tell me what God is like, cause I'm starting to forget
- People tink I'm stupid 'cause I tawk like dis
- Do you love me now, Daddy? Do you think I'm pretty?
- You're not laughing now, but I'm voting this sucka up
- All right, I'm God now. How do I get out of this mess?
- Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry
- Goddamnit, man, it's like this shit knows what I'm fucking thinking
- You're voting this sucka down now, but I'm going to laugh
- I'm going to love you like the undead woe their graves, crave the living.
- I'm not like you. I'm loved.
- I always sound Irish when I'm trying to be charming
- It is safe to say that I'm going to get my payback if he is anything like me.
- I feel like I'm getting weaker, while Charlie's growing stronger in the jungle
- I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me!
- That man has writer's block but I don't know if I'm him right now
- Dude, check me out. I'm like a little auditor, a sexy little auditor!
- I let go and now I'm holding on. I need to let go again.
- Party Like It's 1499
- i might look like a grown person, but i'm just a tiny confused scientist
- I used to think of sobriety as a purgatory, and that to be under the influence of drugs was relief from it. Now that I'm older I believe the opposite to be true.
- Sometimes horror flicks sound a lot like porno
- Theorems whose names sound like Robert Ludlum novel titles
- Now that there is no hell, evil folks like you just get reincarnated as McDonald's register jockeys
- You make that sound like a bad thing
- I'm awake now. You know what I'm talkin' about?
- I'm sparkin like a match that's never going out
- Chill like an penguin and drink like a lush: A back to school nodermeet and toga party!
- Would you take your shoes back now, i think I know what it is like to be you.
- I've read books so I know things that sound like they could be true
- Love Like Now
- Our obsessions almost killed me, but now here we are, talking like normal human beings
- Electro-tango sounds like elevator music
- How to Sound Like Vangelis
- Sounding like a child
- Things are more like they are now than they ever were before
- There's nothing like the sound of snowpants
- Socks, now 19, has cancer.
- September 19, 1999
- April 19
- November 19, 1999
- Dream Log: January 19, 2000
- Genesis 19
- 2 Samuel 19
- 1 Kings 19
- 2 Kings 19
- Call before midnight tonight!
- Augsburg Confession - Article 19
- July 19, 2000
- August 19, 2000
- Dream Log: August 19, 2000
- travel log: 19 July 2000
- May 19, 1999
- Northanger Abbey - Chapter 19
- Daydream #19
- JLA #19
- Editor Log: September 19, 2000
- September 19, 2000
- Dream Log: September 19, 2000
- The Jungle Chapter 19
- ABC of Anarchism Chapter 19
- Frankenstein: Chapter 19
- October 19, 2000
- November 19, 2000
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