A video game console from the early 1980's that succeeded the Atari 2600. While its graphics are low-res by today's standards, this console was a significant advance from the Atari 2600 and Intellivision.

Coleco got a lot of arcade games ported to the ColecoVision. Although many weren't the most popular games, Coleco did land Donkey Kong, which contributed to the console's success since it was the pack-in game.

A cool game console from the fabulous 80s.

The ColecoVision had weird, flat controllers with a small knob at the top for the joystick, a button on either side, and a numeric keypad. The controller connector was the same as the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64. The ColecoVision console box had space for these controllers, but you had to really cram them in to get the coiled-cords to fit nicely.

Some games for the ColecoVision: Add-on hardware:
  • An Atari 2600 emulator box that plugged into a slot on the front of the console. Atari cartridges were then plugged into the emulator box.
  • A steering wheel controller. This consisted of a ~6 inch wheel mounted to a sloped box. On the right hand side of the box was a hole where you stored the foot pedal. When you used it, you removed the foot pedal and plugged it into the contoller box. Then you took one of the game controllers out of the main console and placed it in the hole to act as sort of a gear shift. The controller box took 4 C batteries.
Name                        Manuf.  Yr  Number  Cn  K   O  R?   Rating  Type
2010                            CO  84  2618        32  X  R    3.8/5   Puzzle
A.E. (p)                        CO                         UR           Shoot
ADAM Demo Cartridge (d)         CO                         UR           Demo
Alcazar the Forgotten Fortress  TG      TC-201      32     R    4.0/1   Adv
Alphabet Zoo                    SP  83  ABC-CV      16     R    3.0/2   Educ
Amazing Bumpman                 TG                  16     R    2.0/1   Educ
Antarctic Adventure (CA)        CO  84  2429        16     U    4.0/4   Drive
Aquattack                       IN  84  2-004       16     ER   3.0/1   Shoot
Artillery Duel                  XO  83  99022       16     R    4.5/4   Strat
B.C.'s Quest for Tires (S)      SI  83  OTL-902     16     U    4.0/7   Adv
B.C.'s Quest for Tires II       CO  84  2620        24     R    3.5/4   Adv
Beamrider                       AC  83  VS-003      16     U    4.6/5   Shoot
Blockade Runner                 IN  84  2-002       16     R    2.5/4   Shoot
Boulder Dash                    TG      TC203       16     ER           Ladder
Brainstrainers (CA)             CO      2696        16     R    2.0/2   Educ
Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom (CA) CO  83  2615        24     C    2.8/4   Shoot
Bump 'n' Jump (CA)              CO  84  2440    Do  24     U    3.4/5   Drive
BurgerTime (CA)                 CO  84  2430        16     U    4.0/6   Ladder
Cabbage Patch Kids              CO  84  2682        16     U    3.0/5   Adv
Campaign '84                    SU  83  1604        16     ER   3.3/3   Strat
Carnival (C)                    CO  82  2445        16     C    3.3/7   Shoot
Centipede                       AT  83  70004   Ro  16     C    4.1/7   Shoot
Choplifter! (CA)                CO  84  2690        16     ER   3.8/4   Shoot
Chuck Norris Superkicks         XO  83              16     R    2.5/2   Adv
Congo Bongo (CA)                CO  84  2669        24     U    3.4/5   Ladder
Cosmic Avenger (C)              CO  82  2434        16     C    2.9/10  Shoot
Cosmic Crisis                   BC      PG901       16     UR           Maze
Dam Busters, The (CA)           CO  84  2686        32  X  R    2.0/3   Shoot
Dance Fantasy                   FP      DCF-CV      16     ER   2.0/1   Educ
Decathlon                       AC  83  VS-006      16     U    3.5/6   Sport
Defender                        AT  83  70002       24     U    3.5/8   Shoot
Destructor (CA)                 CO  83  2602    D   32     U    2.7/7   Shoot
Dig Dug (p)                     AT                         UR   3.0/1   Maze
Dr. Seuss: Fix-Up the Mix-Up    CO  84  2699        16  X  R    3.0/3   Puzzle
Donkey Kong (C/CA)              CO  82  2411               C    3.5/11  Ladder
Donkey Kong Junior (C)          CO  83  2601        16     C    4.1/9   Ladder
Dragonfire                      IM      O6611       16     R    3.0/1   Adv
Dukes of Hazzard (CA)           CO  84  2607    D   32     R    2.0/3   Drive
Escape From the Mindmaster (p)  EP  83  6200               UR
Evolution (CA)                  SY  83              16     R    4.0/2   Misc
Facemaker                       SP      FMK-CV      16  X  R    1.0/2   Educ
Fall Guy (p - CBS)              20              Do  16     UR           Drive
Fathom                          IM      O6205       16     R    3.0/1   Adv
Final Test Cartridge            CO                  16     UR   2.0/1   Demo
Flipper Slipper                 SV      SE291       16     R    2.0/1   Pinbll
Flying Brassieres (p)           AT                         UR           Shoot
Fortune Builder (CA)            CO  84  2681        32  X  R    4.3/4   Strat
Fraction Fever                  SP  83  FRF-CV      16     R    2.3/3   Educ
Frantic Freddie                 SV      SE232       16     R    3.0/1   Ladder
Frenzy (CA)                     CO  84  2613        24     U    4.3/6   Shoot
Frogger                         PB  83  9830        16     U    4.0/4   Ladder
Frogger II Threedeep!           PB  84  9990        16     R    2.8/5   Ladder
Front Line (CA)                 CO  83  2650    S   24  Y  U    2.8/5   Shoot
Galaxian                        AT  83  70006       32     ER   4.5/2   Shoot
Gateway to Apshai               EP  84  610R        16     R    3.4/5   Adv
Gorf (C)                        CO  83  2449        16     C    3.5/11  Shoot
Gust Buster                     SU      1601        16     ER   2.0/2   Adv
Gyruss                          PB  84  9980        16     R    4.2/6   Shoot
H.E.R.O.                        AC      VS-005      16     U    5.0/5   Shoot
Heist, The                      MF  83  MCL520      24     U    3.5/4   Chase
Illusions (CA)                  CO  84  2621        16     R    3.3/3   Split
It's Only Rock 'n' Roll         XO      99062       16     ER   1.0/2   Text
James Bond 007                  PB  83  9900        16     R    3.0/3   Adv
Joust (p)                       AT                         UR   4.0/1   Shoot
Juke Box                        SP      JUK-CV      16     R    3.0/2   Puzzle
Jumpman Junior                  EP      590R        16     U    4.5/6   Ladder
Jungle Hunt                     AT      70007       24     ER   3.7/3   Adv
Ken Uston Blackjack / Poker (C) CO  82  2439            X  C    2.7/7   Card
Kevtris                         CV  96                     ER   5.0/1   Puzzle
Keystone Kapers                 AC  84  VS-004      16     R    2.7/3   Chase
Kung Fu Superkicks              TG  83              16     R    3.0/1   Adv
Lady Bug (C)                    CO  82  2433        16     C    4.0/10  Maze
Learning with Leeper (S/W)      SI      LLL-901     16     R    2.5/2   Educ
Linking Logic                   FP  84  LNL-CV      16     ER   5.0/2   Educ
Logic Levels                    FP      LLV-CV      16     ER   5.0/1   Educ
Looping (C)                     CO  83  2603        16     C    3.0/9   Shoot
M*A*S*H (p - CBS)               20                  16     UR           Avoid
Make-A-Face                     SP                  16  X  UR   1.0/2   Educ
Masters of the Universe: The    MA  84  7759               UR
Masters of the Universe II (p)  MA  84                     UR
Memory Manor                    FP      MEM-CV      16     ER   3.0/1   Educ
Meteoric Shower                 BC  86              16     NA   2.7/3   Shoot
Miner 2049er                    MF  83  MCL521      24     C    3.9/7   Ladder
Mr. Do! (C/CA)                  CO  83  2622        24     C    3.9/10  Maze
Mr. Do!'s Castle                PB      A9820       16     R    4.5/4   Ladder
Monkey Academy (CA)             CO  84  2694        32     R    3.3/3   Educ
Montezuma's Revenge             PB  84  9660        16     U    4.3/6   Ladder
Moon Patrol (p)                 AT                         UR           Shoot
Moonsweeper                     IM  83  O6207       16     U    3.8/4   Shoot
Motocross Racer                 XO      99026       16     ER   3.0/3   Drive
Mountain King                   SU  84  1605        16     ER   3.3/3   Ladder
Mouse Trap (C)                  CO  82  2419        16  X  C    3.6/10  Maze
Music Box Demo (d)              CO                  32     UR           Demo
Nova Blast                      IM  83  O6607       32     U    3.5/4   Shoot
Oil's Well (S)                  SI  83  OWL-901     16     R    3.8/4   Maze
Omega Race (CA)                 CO  83  2448    Ro  16     C    3.8/9   Shoot
One-On-One                      MF  84              24     R    3.0/1   Sport
Pac-Man (p)                     AT  83  70001              UR   5.0/1   Maze
Pepper II (C/CA)                CO  83  2605        16     C    3.4/8   Maze
Pitfall!                        AC  83  VS-001      16     U    3.2/5   Adv
Pitfall II                      AC  84  VS-008      16     U    3.5/2   Adv
Pitstop                         EP  83  600R    Do  16     U    3.0/6   Drive
Popeye                          PB  83  9810        16     C    3.3/10  Adv
Porky's (p)                     20                         UR
Power Grabber (p)               SY                         UR
Q*Bert                          PB  83  9800         8     C    4.2/10  Maze
Q*Bert's Qubes                  PB      9950        16     ER   5.0/3   Puzzle
Quest for Quintana Roo          SU  83  1603        16     R    3.7/3   Adv
River Raid                      AC  84  VS-002      16     U    3.4/5   Shoot
Robin Hood                      XO  83  99023       16     R    3.7/3   Adv
Roc 'n Rope (CA)                CO  84  2668        24     U    3.6/5   Ladder
Rock 'n' Bolt                   TG      TC-202      16     R    5.0/1   Puzzle
Rocky Super Action Boxing (CA)  CO  83  2606    S   24  Y  C    3.3/6   Sport
Rolloverture                    SU      1602        16     ER   3.0/1   Puzzle
Root Beer Tapper (CA)           CO  84  2616        32     R    3.7/6   Shoot
Sammy Lightfoot (S)             SI      SLL-901     16     ER   3.0/2   Ladder
Schtroumpfs                     CB      4L1939      16     ER   3.1/9   Adv
Sector Alpha                    SV      SE220       24     ER   2.5/2   Shoot
Sewer Sam                       IN  84  2-001       24     ER   3.2/5   Shoot
Sir Lancelot                    XO  83  99024       16     ER   3.0/2   Adv
Sketch Master                   PP      G2500   P          UR   4.0/1   Educ
Skiing                          TG                  16     ER           Sport
Slither (CA)                    CO  83  2492    R   16     C    4.2/9   Shoot
Slurpy                          XO      99061       16     ER   2.5/2   Shoot
Smurf Paint 'n' Play            CO  84  2697        32  X  R    2.0/3   Educ
Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's      CO  82  2443        16     C    3.1/9   Adv
Space Fury (C)                  CO  82  2415        16     C    2.7/7   Shoot
Space Panic (C)                 CO  82  2447        16     C    2.6/8   Ladder
Spectron                        SV  83  SE234       16     R    3.5/2   Shoot
Spy Hunter (CA)                 CO  84  2617    So  32  Z  R    4.5/5   Drive
Squish'em featuring Sam         IN  84  2-003       16     U    3.7/3   Ladder
Star Wars: The Arcade Game      PB  84  9940        16     U    3.5/6   Shoot
Strike It                       TG                  16     R    2.0/1
Subroc (CA)                     CO  83  2614        24     C    2.4/9   Shoot
Super Action Baseball (C/CA)    CO  83  2491    S   32  Y  C    3.1/7   Sport
Super Action Football           CB              S       Y  ER           Sport
Super Action Football (CA)      CO  83  2422    S   32  Y  C    3.0/3   Sport
Super Action Soccer             CO              S   32  Y  ER           Sport
Super Cobra                     PB  83  9850         8     R    2.5/4   Shoot
Super Controller Test Cartridge CO                         UR           Test
Super Cross Force               SV      SE237       16     R    3.3/3   Shoot
Super Front Line Demo (p)       CO                         UR           Demo
Tank Wars                       TG                  16     R            Shoot
Tarzan (CA)                     CO  84  2632        24     R    3.0/5   Adv
Telly Turtle (CA)               CO      2698        16     R    2.3/3   Educ
Threshold (S)                   SI  83  THQ903      16     ER   2.7/3   Shoot
Time Pilot (C/CA)               CO  83  2633        16     C    3.0/7   Shoot
Tomarc the Barbarian            XO      99025       16     ER   2.0/1   Adv
Tournament Tennis               IM  84  O6030       32     ER   3.0/1   Sport
Tunnels & Trolls (d)            CO      2441        32     UR           Demo
Turbo (C)                       CO  82  2413    D   16     C    2.9/9   Drive
Tutankham                       PB  83  9840        16     R    3.5/4   Adv
Up 'n Down                      SE  84  009-21      16     ER   4.7/3   Drive
Venture (C)                     CO  82  2417        16     C    3.9/10  Adv
Victory (CA)                    CO  83  2446    R   24     U    3.3/7   Shoot
Video Hustler (p - CBS)         KO                  16     UR   3.0/1   Pool
War Games (CA)                  CO  84  2632    R   24  X  C    3.9/7   Defend
War Room                        PR  83  2153CL  Ro  32  X  U    4.3/6   Defend
Wing War                        IM  83  O6209       16     U    4.3/4   Shoot
Wiz Math (W)                    SI      WML-900     16     ER   2.0/1   Educ
Word Feud                       XO      99060       16     ER   3.0/1   Educ
Yolk's on You (p - CBS)         20                  16     UR   3.0/1   Round
Zaxxon (C)                      CO  82  2435        24     C    3.2/9   Shoot
Zenji                           AC  84  VS-007      16     R    5.0/1   Puzzle
Unlike most other consoles which have freely addressable Video RAM (VRAM), the Colecovision has a TMS9918a style video chip. Even though the chip has 16k of VRAM, it cannot be directly addressed. The programmer has to first write the desired starting address in VRAM to a specific port, latch it, and then feed graphics data to the chip a single byte at a time (the video chip will auto-increment the VRAM address each time a write is made). This method is first and foremost slow, because the video chip itself isn't fast enough to keep up with the write speed of the Z80. So, you guessed it:

write a byte
write some more
hang self with rope

Ever notice why very few Colecovision games scroll very well?

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