(I am aware that the title is not funny and that nothing I have ever said is funny and you should all send me msgs about how I am insensitive and also ugly.)
WHO LIKES TO PARTY?!? Could it be...
When I tell people I'm in a band they say Oh Really? Then I have to be all like Uhh Actually we haven't really gotten our shit together to play any gigs yet. Well NO MORE! Only those with cast iron wills can brave the sheer dynamic power of our debut performance!
The program shall include a set of originals, covers and improv. Later comes the all-nite jam starring you and your axe in our world-famous basement crypt. Who will survive and what will be left of them???
The cost of entry is costumery!
And of course we will have all the
amenities of a standard Halloween bash incl. knee-deep piles of candy and a beer tsunami. Those of you with extra stomachs would be well advised to loan one to a friend.
Saturday, November 1, 2003
(So's not to mess with your own tricks and treats)
(Short notice? That a crack about me?
Yeah well I heard your moms was short on intellect and also beauty HOOOOO SNAP)
How to locate your friendly New York City Jam Factory, Astoria, Queens chapter:
(1819 25th Road)By subway: N Train to Astoria Blvd (next to last stop). Get off the platform using the staircase on the southwest corner of the intersection, which is by a huge Dunkin Donuts/Baskin-Robbins. Walk down Hoyt Ave South, keeping the Triborough Bridge parallel to you on your right, for about ten blocks. Cross 21st St, hang a left for half a block, and 25th Rd is right there. Turn right. We're down at the end, on the right, with big ass white columns on the porch and a rosebush in front of the windows.
By car, from points east, like Boston: Get off I-95 S and take the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, aka I-278 W toward Manhattan. Take exit 3, then get on Hoyt Avenue North, keeping the Triborough Bridge parallel to you on your left. Go about ten blocks, take a left at 21st, going under the bridge, then a right on 25th Road. Although you probably will not be able to park on our street and will have to circle. HA HA.
By car, from points west, like Jersey: Take the Triborough Bridge from Manhattan into Queens. As soon as you get off the bridge, you want to bust three rights so you're going back toward it. The easiest path is 29th St -> Astoria Blvd -> 21st St. Then hang a left onto 25th Rd after you see the SPOOOOOKY graveyard.
By plane: LaGuardia Airport is a ten-minute bus ride away. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.
hey if ur coming msg me ur name and ill put it in the noad itl'l be lik wer noad buddies!!1! OMG LOFL ETC
- I was a wizard. Yes I do know fireball.
- Imprecation was a knight. I dubbed him Sir Hackenslash of Pyzpantium. We totally went on a quest!
- Mr. Hotel was a tentacle monster set to "rape".
- Chiisuta was his anime schoolgirl victim. Tandem is the way.
And that was pretty much it. Attendance seemed really down this year. Do you think it could have had to do with the 12 million people I apparently insulted? I wonder.