"T/I"s are used by the Imperials in Star Wars. It is an improvement upon the basic TIE Fighter, as it is faster, more maneuverable, and has 4 laser cannons. However, it still doesn't have shields, so most rookie pilots don't last long in these. The TIE Advanced is an improvement upon this.

While an A-Wing could take these things out, they give X-Wings a harder time.

In the Star Wars trilogy, the TIE Interceptor was the fastest fighter in the galaxy, until the A-Wing came along.

A TIE Interceptor can travel 11 Sublight Units per Standard Time Part; an A-Wing can do 12.

See Star Wars Starfighter Sublight Speed Comparison Chart for more info.
Class: Starfighter

Model:                  TIE Interceptor TIE/i TIE/fci Space Superiority Fighter
Crew:                   One pilot
Weaponry:               Four SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons
Propulsion System:      SFS P-s5.6 Twin Ion Engines 
Speed Rating (MGLT):    110
Power Generator:        SFS I-s3a Solar Ionization Reactor
Flight Control System:  SFS F-s4 Flight Avionics System
Navigation System:      SFS N-s6 Navcon Computer System

The Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor is the result of research in making a very fast space dominance fighter/interceptor. In addition to its great speed, running at 110 MGLT, it employes 4 SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons mounted on the tip of each wing that can be linked in dual or quadruple mode. The TIE Interceptor is based on custom wing design by Lord Vader, namely the TIE Advanced. It has the same canopy and cockpit as its predecessor, the TIE Fighter, but its wings are shaped differently to hint to that it is faster. The improvements of the TIE Interceptor doesn't stop there, however. Its hull is slightly stronger than that of the TIE Fighter, but, like the TIE Fighter, it has no hyperdrive or shielding.

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The TIE Interceptor first saw real combat in the Battle of Endor, but they were defeated because of the greater skill and better ships of the Rebel Alliance. Either way, it has proven itself to be an important piece in the Imperial Navy.

Sources: misc starwars sites, including the official. part of

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