- jump point
- White Men Can't Jump
- rocket jump
- quad BFG jump
- Jump
- disk jump
- mortar jump
- jump rope
- jump rope rhymes
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- 21 Jump Street
- Bump 'n' jump
- dirt jump
- Shonen Jump
- Jump Up! Records
- jump off into never-never land
- Teach Yourself Scheme: 13 Jumps
- Jump, Little Children
- Someone jumped off the San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge today
- jump shift
- jump the gun
- Jump the shark
- Teaching your dog not to jump on people
- jump table
- jump shot
- They always jump off the east side
- If all the Chinese jumped at once, would cataclysm result?
- Jump Up
- jump jet
- Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
- User Interactive Olympics (I said Jump, sprout!)
- How to jump in puddles
- high jump
- toe jump
- Elephants can't jump
- evil jumps (user)
- Close your eyes, hold your breath and jump
- Gauss Jump
- You may as well not jump in a falling elevator
- jump cut
- Jump Raven
- Johnny Jump Up
- How to jump out of a plane, and what it's like
- When my inside selves just jump out with wings of fire
- The light switch that made fish jump
- Jump Boots
- jump little devil (user)
- Hydraulic jump
- How to jump start a car
- Wallaby Jump
- And our cars all jumped forward like bottles on a table thumped by a drunk
- Annie Jump Cannon
- I'm afraid, I thought, I'm too afraid to jump, I'm a coward, and at that moment I jumped
- Jump In
- How to jump into water from a height
- Go jump in the lake.
- jump tracks
- jump ring
- ski jump
- Triple Jump Moonsault
- The Giant Jump
- How I survived the Great Conclusion Jump of 1995
- jump start
- jump story
- Young Jump
- How to jump into a pile of leaves
- Jump cancel
- vertical jump
- jump (user)
- Ice skating jumps
- jump scene
- spin jump
- What to do if a deer jumps out in front of your car
- Electrifying jump
- Shut up and jump
- sponsored nude kamikaze parachute jump
- Jumped by a Zen master
- Gordon Jump
- Triangle jump
- jump blues
- World Jump Day
- Go Jump in the Pool!
- Jump Off The Bridge (user)
- If a frog had wings, he wouldn't kick his tail when he jumped
- Jump spark
- For every delayed technology there is a sudden, completely unexpected advance that jumps at us from the shadows
- Chinese jump rope
- Jump Up and Slap Yo' Mama Gazpacho
- we wake up every morning and train to jump into the sun
- Jump Wings
- Over the high-rise of this city we kissed, over the high-rise of this city we jumped to our deaths
- My train of thought jumps the tracks
- Jump rope rhymes (category)
- double jump
- I'll jump over the wall and I'll wait for you there
- The Reason I Jump
- just because i'm out on the balcony doesn't mean i'm about to jump
- and why do we jump in?
- jump scare
- throw away
- People in glass houses should not throw stones
- throw
- throw down
- throw in the towel
- throw up
- Please don't throw me in the briar patch!
- Furniture that I wouldn't throw away if I moved
- saving throw
- May you always find naked women to throw tiny pickles at you
- Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians
- Throws like a girl
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- Don't litter, but go ahead and throw your cigarette butt on the ground
- Throw away your fucking scale!
- When I get mad I throw harder
- How to throw a football
- Fathers teach your daughters how to throw
- I'll throw the first rock
- don't ever throw stones at your mother
- Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks
- Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater
- A Dice Throw Will Never Do Away With Chance
- When in doubt, throw it out
- Choose your words carefully; now throw them away
- Things people in movies throw out with impunity
- No place to throw out the bathwater
- Plan One to Throw Away
- How to throw a frisbee
- I'll throw you the connection
- Bring, in this timeless grave to throw
- Judo throws
- throw away words we catch in cages where our hearts should be
- Throw your arms out, fall on your face, and embrace failure
- Death Throws
- How to throw a disc
- throw the match
- How to throw the tarot
- Throw your hat into the ring
- throw yourself into a memory as if it were air, as if it will save you
- How to throw a pot
- throw rag
- Shoulder throw
- free throw
- don't throw good money after bad
- throw down the gauntlet
- Cats vs. Dogs: Behind Whom Should the Nation Throw Support?
- throw pillow
- Weight Throw
- Throw me to the sky and let the clouds tear me up
- Beautiful things should be left alone lest they become just another thing that we should throw away.
- He throws his heart down like a gauntlet
- Hey sir, that handicapped boy done throw a baby at me!
- throw them away; there will be individually-wrapped replacements
- Throw Your Hatred Down
- you throw your hatchet so far that you cannot retrieve it
- If it moves throw a snowball at it, if it doesn't move throw a snowball at it anyway
- Throw aside your holiday crutches, and BE HEALED!
- throw a thousand pots
- Throw Momma From The Train
- Go ahead, throw your vote away
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