- breeze
- shoot the breeze
- Breeze fly
- Spanking breeze
- Bay Breeze
- Caribbean Breeze
- Di Saronno Sea Breeze
- there is more breeze in the suburbs of the South
- Mountain Breeze
- Cool Breeze
- This must be the night when I remember how to fly, when the breeze catches my weight at last
- Dutch Breeze
- Windows left open not for the breeze, for moonlight
- Days go by like sweet summer breeze; I don't know I... can't feel them anymore
- Gulf Breeze
- Beauty Breeze
- sea breeze
- breeze (user)
- her ardent eyebrows are charcoal scimitars taut above eyes that breeze like open windows
- Asuka Breezes
- the breeze (user)
- mary breeze (user)
- Gulf Breeze, Florida
- Honey on the breeze
- Freedom spiked breezes
- the new depth, here found in the afternoon breeze
- Love is an evening breeze touching my face
- And yet, when the warm breeze of spring greets my face and the sunlight does not make me shield my eyes, I know I am not alone.
- faded drapes sway in the breeze
- Delta Tau Delta
- delta
- Delta Force
- Delta Green
- delta 9
- A Delta Function's Lament
- III Delta Kaising
- Delta of Venus
- Gamma Delta Iota
- delta (user)
- within delta of
- Delta epsilon proof
- Delta Echo
- Delta Force 2
- Delta Dash
- Korg Delta
- Kronecker delta
- Delta Kappa Epsilon
- delta channel
- Delta Flyer
- Delta Blues
- Dirac delta function
- Delta 4
- There's a Delta for Every Epsilon
- Delta Watershed
- The Delta 72
- Delta Center
- Sacramento River Delta
- Phi Delta Sigma
- Phi Gamma Delta
- Delta sedimentary flows
- delta Scuti
- Delta Air Lines
- It's a defect, not a 'delta'
- Delta Goodrem
- Mekong Delta
- Glucono Delta Lactone
- delta list
- Delta Clipper (DC-X)
- Camp Delta
- Ilford Delta 3200
- Delta Dawn
- Delta wing
- Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol
- Delta Works
- Quest of the Delta Knights
- Delta Wolf (user)
- Delta State
- Catskill Delta
- Delta Chi
- Delta connection
- Delta current
- Delta 1 (user)
- delta 32
- Motion of the human heart strangled over the Delta
- Object #7 - Delta Pavonis
- Alpha Delta Pi
- The Delta Force
- Oldsmobile Delta 88
- Delta Queen Steamboat Company
- Delta wave
- Delta Quadrant
- Covid-19 Delta Variant
- Hepatitis Delta Virus
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