Stereotypically, a 'fairy' is a generic "little pixie with wings" Tinkerbelle sort of creature. However, "fairy" is actually a very general term covering almost all humanoid earth spirits. Brownies, pixies, pysks, dryads, gnomes, leprechauns are friendly fairies. Any fairly small and/or ethereal otherworld being with a generally humanoid form can be considered a fairy. Some fairies, however, are malign and should not be dealt with]

Fairies usually have some "magical" abilities, although some more than others. Brownies move quietly and can disappear even as you watch them (and they're reputed to bless houses, and be exceptional leather-workers.) the winged fairies/sprites may have elemental powers, of course the magic of flight, they can create fairie rings to hold ritual and celebration in, and they can be asked to join in a human circle for magical aid.

Fairies are very shy and hard to find. Most are afraid of humans finding them, although they love to watch people. They can be attracted, however, by convincing them you are harmless and will treat them kindly. Fairies may be attracted to your dwelling by notice of magical work going on. But they can be attracted, and convinced to *stay* by leaving them gifts. Set up a small shrine to them. leave them shiny things (foil is wonderful) and blue thread. leave flowers or living plants they can play and hide in, and leave them food. Honey, fruit (especially strawberries), and bread will attract them. For drink, clean cold water, red wine, or their favorite, cold rich milk. it may take some time for them to notice, and to decide to stay, but if you can attract any form of benign fairy, it is for the best. They will frequently bless your dwelling, help keep malign energies out, and generally be friendly to the environment. (However, they can be mischievous as well--but it's all in fun. if they are willing to tease you, they're willing to trust you enough to let you know they're there.)

The words for "fairy" in Spain and Italy were fada and fata, respectively, and these seem to have been derived from the Latin fatum or "fate", in recognition of the skill fairies had in predicting and even controlling human destiny. In France, however, the similar word fee came from the Latin fatare via the Old French feer, meaning "to enchant". Feer referred to the fairies ability to alter the world that human's saw - to cast a spell over human vision. From feer came not only fee but the English word, "Faerie", which encompassed both the art of enchantment and the whole realm in which fairies had their being. "Fairy" and "fay" - other derivatives of the parent word - referred only to the individual creatures.

The other common English term for an individual fairy was "elf", and this came derived not from Latin but from the Nordic and Teutonic languages, reaching England with invasion from the continent. In Scandinavia, the word for "elves" was alfar, which - appropriately, since fairies were tied to the things of the earth - had to do with mountains and water.

A slang term for an effeminate gay man.

"Fairy" is sometimes used by straight people in a broader and much more derogatory sense to refer to any gay man (regardless of swishiness) or any effeminate man (regardless of orientation).

This is one of those in-group terms, like nigger, that can be extremely offensive when used by someone who's not a member of the group, but is not offensive when used by a member of the group.

A user since August 9, 2000, Fairy is the second youngest E2 users known, born December 14, 1987. She's a Lavender Fairy from Australia and is in year 7 at The Tooth Fairy's School For Young Fairies, majoring in spells, and has been seen around Everything granting wishes to young noders. She is Tegan.

Both her and the youngest user have mottos suspiciously similar, were introduced to Everything by their brother, and are fans of Harry Potter, but, I can assure you, they are different people.

Her brother's identity is presently unknown.

Update: On April 11, 2001, the user EasterBunny was born and entered the world of E2. He's now the youngest noder, though his status as a 'noder' could be disputed, as it's uncertain that his two writeups were written by his own hand or whether his cat does the writing for him, as does sensei's cat.

Fair"y (?), n.; pl. Fairies (#). [OE. fairie, faierie, enchantment, fairy folk, fairy, OF. faerie enchantment, F. f'eer, fr. LL. Fata one of the goddesses of fate. See Fate, and cf. Fay a fairy.] [Written also faery.]


Enchantment; illusion.



The God of her has made an end, And fro this worlde's fairy Hath taken her into company. Gower.


The country of the fays; land of illusions.


He [Arthur] is a king y-crowned in Fairy. Lydgate.


An imaginary supernatural being or spirit, supposed to assume a human form (usually diminutive), either male or female, and to meddle for good or evil in the affairs of mankind; a fay. See Elf, and Demon.

The fourth kind of spirit [is] called the Fairy. K. James.

And now about the caldron sing, Like elves and fairies in a ring. Shak.


An enchantress.



Fairy of the mine, an imaginary being supposed to inhabit mines, etc. German folklore tells of two species; one fierce and malevolent, the other gentle, See Kobold.

No goblin or swart fairy of the mine Hath hurtful power over true virginity. Milton.


© Webster 1913.

Fair"y, a.


Of or pertaining to fairies.


Given by fairies; as, fairy money.


Fairy bird Zool., the Euoropean little tern (Sterna minuta); -- called also sea swallow, and hooded tern. -- Fairy bluebird. Zool. See under Bluebird. -- Fairy martin Zool., a European swallow (Hirrundo ariel) that builds flask-shaped nests of mud on overhanging cliffs. -- Fairy rings ∨ circles, the circles formed in grassy lawns by certain fungi (as Marasmius Oreades), formerly supposed to be caused by fairies in their midnight dances. -- Fairy shrimp Zool., a European fresh-water phyllopod crustacean (Chirocephalus diaphanus); -- so called from its delicate colors, transparency, and graceful motions. The name is sometimes applied to similar American species. -- Fairy stone Paleon., an echinite.


© Webster 1913.

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