- follow us into the black, so far that we can't get back
- We pander to each other because we love each other so much and we'd do anything to keep each other and it's made us sensitive and it's fucking killing us all.
- They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
- It's just the three of us - you, me, and all that stuff we're so scared of
- We don't swim in yer toilet, so don't fuck us over or you'll need 2 wheelchairs, fool: An Partie
- If the US is so great, why don't other countries give themselves to us?
- Why are car engines so HUGE in the US?
- Enmity (user)
- friendship
- short and bloody friendship
- Sometimes friendships were meant to be destroyed
- Amish Friendship Bread
- Having A Boyfriend Is Bad For Friendships.
- friendship bracelets
- How to rebuild a friendship in three not-so-easy steps
- Order of People's Friendship
- The fragility of friendships
- The Friendship and the Fear
- The Friendship Cafe
- The End of a Friendship
- true friendship
- Beautiful Friendship
- Troubleshooting friendships
- social engineering friendships
- Love has everything to do with friendship
- Sex doesn't ruin friendships; people do.
- Herbs for friendship
- friendship and sadness
- Illusion of Friendship
- Love and Friendship
- Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
- Friendship Heights
- The Chinese Garden of Friendship
- William Rawlins' Stages of Friendship
- World War II and Canadian-Dutch friendship
- On friendships
- C++: the scope of friendship
- The types of friendship
- Friendship Hotel
- Friendship Station
- The importance of friendship
- There is a true and sincere friendship between you both
- Friendship book
- Thai Lao Friendship Bridge
- World/Inferno Friendship Society
- the little friendship that never was
- Friendship's just another kind of love
- The Politics of Friendship
- To Friendship
- The Friendship Train
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Aristotle on Friendship
- Thoughts on losing a friendship
- I don't want to risk our friendship.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Optimal
- Dragon Half
- Half
- Half Japanese
- Half and Half
- Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
- The guy at the end of Half-Life
- The glass is half full and half empty
- Knowing is half the battle
- I don't want the world, I just want your half
- better half
- Half blood
- Half seas over
- he wants us to be free
- Farm auctions rip me in half
- Half a case
- Jesus at half mast
- Half Baked
- half adder
- I've been living my life half asleep
- Half an hour later in Newfoundland
- half angel half eagle
- half step
- Half Moon Bay, California
- half shield
- If only the spaghetti westerns were half as good as their titles
- Half a peach, glistening
- Man who invented half sour pickles (user)
- A half smile kind of conversation
- Half Man Half Biscuit
- You can't love with half a heart
- Half A Person
- Clouds drifting in front of the half full moon
- Tearing a phone book in half
- half the sign of the devil
- half birthday
- I'll take my half whole
- Getting there is half the fun
- Half Shower
- Half a Proverb
- Half open connection
- L/AofSC:MANHOOD, second half
- The Half Asian Identity
- half note
- half rest
- half price (user)
- Life is half over at age 10
- Half Hidden
- Guide to Chord Formation : Diminished, Half Diminished, and Augmented Chords
- Half Title
- half-assed
- Dividing a Cake in Half solution
- Not half bad
- half a loaf
- Confederate Half Dollar
- What good is half a wing?
- A Half Completed Kiss
- Hancock's Half Hour
- I'm training my little half brother to take over the world
- five and a half minute hallway
- A month from a skylark, a half from a finch, a little from a wagtail and not a day from a swallow
- half fly
- time, times and half a time
- Covered Bridges Half Marathon
- he kissed me for a year and a half
- Half hands and knees crawling over the burnt wreckage
- Half of Me
- Half Nelson
- Flowing Hair Half Dime
- Draped Bust Half Dime
- Seated Liberty Half Dime
- Flowing Hair Half Dollar
- Draped Bust Half Dollar
- Capped Bust Half Dollar
- Seated Liberty Half Dollar
- Kennedy Half Dollar
- Half Dome
- Fat Free Half & Half
- As seen mouthed through one half inch of safety glass as the bus pulled away from the terminal and left a westward wafting cloud of exhaust
- Half a Canyon
- "A gentleman and a scholar" is only half right
- half bath
- Half A Life
- half register
- It takes two guys to do half a woman's job
- bottom half
- half an hour
- One and a Half Stages to Orbit
- Kind eyes and half smiles
- Half Angle Formulae
- A Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica
- England, Half English
- half cadence
- I am half sick of shadows
- The half moon shadow
- Combining Half Marks
- half binding
- Half the work, half the pay. Or not?
- Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice
- Half a circle -- my foray into long lost geometry
- One Half
- Half Baked Hero (user)
- Half and Suzanne Zantop
- Half Dollar Hockey
- Half a loaf is better than none
- half pipe
- half equation
- Half Dime
- Half Price Books
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- half spear
- Looking all over Hell's half acre
- Nine and a half
- half splitting
- Round the Moon: 2 : The First Half Hour
- Well begun is half done
- You and I and half the book's audience also have penises
- Boo, age two and a half
- Presque Isle Half Marathon
- Half of the Empire
- Hands cupped into a half circle, he bent foward to help her catch a light
- A Ninja Pays Half My Rent
- two half discovered people, halfway to tears.
- Half tone
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