Fake Fake Fake!

At first, I thought it was real enough. Then I listened to all of the voicemail messages. While listening to one later in the series, I heard an obvious discrepancy in the echo variation. This affected the caller's voice in such a subtle way, I couldn't miss it.

That's when I began to suspect something.

I continued to listen, and found several sections of calls that were identical to sections of other calls - the caller even says the exact same things. What does this mean?

It means, this guy literally "Cut and Pasted" a bunch of these calls together from snippets of maybe ten calls at best. (The robot "time-stamp" voice is easily faked.)

As soon as I heard the most obvious example of this, I started screaming "hoax". Then I took a closer look at the website itself.

If you look on the main page, the site was launched on March 20. A scant two days later, he opens a web store with T-Shirts, Mugs, and mousepads. He also starts complaining about bandwidth costing a lot of money, and offers "suggestions" on how you can help; "BUY MY STUFF!"

Three days after the site is launched, the webmaster claims "The end is near", and tells the visitors that the site will come down if he doesn't get cash flow. He then tells the user that he needs either advertisements, or more product purchases.

5 days after the site's launch, he opens a 4th web store with lots of new products. Doesn't it seem odd that at the same time bandwidth is such a costly problem, he can crank out lots of new products and open another web store?

And now, while the front page is tame, the voicemail download page is absolutely loaded with ads of every kind: 4 banner ads at the top, and an uncountable amount of pop-up ads.

I'm sorry, but this is a business scam hoax in the worst way.

Update: littlerubberfeet says re psychoexgirlfriend.com: this website could not be found...guess its over

So yeah. A failed business scam hoax. Ha.