thecarp, I must respectfully disagree with your assessment of FF VIII. As far as I'm concerned, it is the worst game in the Final Fantasy saga. You have done an excellent job outlining the major changes from previous FF games. To summarize:

So it all sounds pretty neat, right? Unfortunately, no. The problem with FF is that there are no limits to your power. There are no default abilities, so you can put any ability on any character. You can distribute your power in any way, through GF junctioning. Your casting isn't even limited by mana. And because monsters level up with you, powerful monsters don't limit your ability to progress in the game. In fact, the ‘easiest’ way to progress through the game is to run from every battle! Similarly, because of the new equipment/cash system, your old gear is not a hindrance and you don't need to fight battles to get new gear.

Picture this. You're a little ways into the game. You have several GF. So, you put them all on one character and use their abilities to boost his/her hitpoints to multiple thousands. Then you get them damaged down to 1/4 their health, and leave them there. By killing off your other characters and repeatedly skipping that character until their limit break comes up, you can attack with the limit break EVERY ROUND. Limit breaks are really, really, really powerful. Because the monsters are leveling up at the same time as you, you are now capable of dispatching ANY enemy in the game in a few rounds, with no real threat to yourself.

Ok, so for some reason this hasn’t occurred to you, and you’re fighting your way through the game normally. One of your most powerful attacks is summoning Guardian Forces. To make them do more damage, you’re supposed to press a button repeatedly while their summon animation is playing. Permit some cynicism here, but pressing a button doesn't take a lot of skill or strategy. In fact, it’s pointless and stupid that there’s even the possibility you could win or lose a fight based on how many hundreds of times you can press the button. Even if you can’t figure out how to press the button, the fact that monsters level with you safely keeps you from ever having to fight a difficult battle.

This is stupid. What you're left with is game that poses no challenge, and has a lot of pointless, skilless combat between the story line elements. Most of the other aspects of the game are excellent, but Square totally screwed up as far as combat is concerned, and the game's story and characters aren't enthralling enough to stand alone without solid combat to back them up. Without combat, it isn’t an RPG. It’s an interactive movie.

On the other hand, the card game is neat. I think it is the single improvement over earlier installments of the FF series.