Irish version of Miss World. Personality counts as much as beauty in the judges determination of the winner. Inspired by the eponymous song which includes the lyric-

'Twas not her beauty alone ever shining,
'Twas the truth in her eyes ever dawning,
that made me love Mary the Rose of Tralee.
The town of Tralee is awash with revellers during the two day festival.

The Roses represent various cities or regions around the world, particularly those with a large Irish community. Many of the contestants, born of Irish parents, have never been to Ireland before the festival(e.g. San Francisco Rose, Perth Rose.

The Roses are interviewed in turn by a genial host, who invariably quizzes them on their Irishness, romantic interest in provided male escort, career prospects etc. The Rose then entertains the crowd with some Irish dancing, singing or tin whistle playing. The proud parents are shown in the audience. The winning Rose is crowned the new Rose of Tralee and serended with the famous song

The contest is watched avidly by most people in the country and many people place wagers on the outcome.