The eight trigrams (kua) of the I Ching:

Ch'ien  Creative : Heaven
*********  Father
*********  Attribution: Lingam
*********  Sephirah: Daath

Tui  Joyous : Lake
***   ***  Third Daughter
*********  Attribution: Water
*********  Sephirah: Chesed

Chen  Arousing : Thunder
***   ***  First Son
***   ***  Attribution: Fire
*********  Sephirah: Geburah

Li  Clinging : Fire
*********  Second Daughter
***   ***  Attribution: Sun
*********  Sephirah: Tiphareth

Ken  Keeping Still : Mountain
*********  Third Son
***   ***  Attribution: Earth
***   ***  Sephirah: Netzach

Sun  Gentle : Wood, Wind
*********  First Daughter
*********  Attribution: Air
***   ***  Sephirah: Hod

K'an  Abysmal : Water
***   ***  Second Son
*********  Attribution: Moon
***   ***  Sephirah: Yesod

K'un  Receptive : Earth
***   ***  Mother
***   ***  Attribution: Yoni
***   ***  Sephirah: Malkuth