The technical term for a comedy groupie. While jokies are a smaller group than music or movie groupies, they are no less rabid. Their heroes also tend to be more publically accessible, giving far more opportunities for fan interaction

Jokies may be either male or female and often consider themselves to be more intelligent/alternative/original for choosing comedians over rock or film stars. After all, comedy speaks to the MIND doesn't it? Having a hysterical squealing fit on seeing the comedian of choice is apparently far superior to those induced by mere musicians or actors, because it's a brain-generated rather than groinal response. Strangely enough, Paul McDermott, Ed Byrne, Wil Anderson, {insert conventionally sexy American comedian here if you can think of one} tend to have far larger jokie followings than say, Drew Carey, Lenny Henry or Sue-Ann Post. Go figure.....