Today started off only ok. Tried to sleep until my alarm woke me (supposed to be 10:00) but my housemates decided that this morning they would run up and down the indoor and outdoor stairwells, none of which could be accurately described as "quiet". So I woke at about 9:00 and lay in bed until I had to get up. Showered and shaved and drove to campus. And here we are, noding in the public cluster until it isn't too early to go get lunch with friends anymore.

Things to do today:
1) History of the High/Late middle ages class... take another 4 pages of notes... (great class, but the notetaking is a bitch)
2) Spanish class (quiz today, I noded last night instead of studying... I hope that doesn't hurt my grade)
3) Go home and finish the problem set for my cosi database class.

More later...
18:52 EST
Back at home now. Middle Ages class was great, as usual. I highly recommend Professor Kapelle to any Brandeis University student looking for a good time. He starts off every lecture with an anecdote about his children and their various excursions through life. It sounds dumb but it always ends up hilarious.

It also turns out that studying last night for the spanish quiz today was not necessary so I'm glad I didn't. Everything turned out well...
Now on to the cosi work in databases (after noding around for a while, of course).