I don't usually have interesting enough dreams to post in here.. but my last one was just so weird... from what i can remember...

Me and my girlfriend were out at some farm somewhere in the Sacramento Valley of California. We were in the middle of nowhere, in some weird field where plants were growing extremely fast. We would plant stuff and watch it grow to immense size, but it would quickly die. I was trying to start some habitat restoration projects out there with oaks and pines but they didn't take. Then, for some reason, this huge wind storm came up. Apparently, someone was creating it on purpose to 'clean the field up'. I tried to hold on to a tree but was getting all stretched by the wind, towards the far end of the field. I didn't know where my girlfriend was. Eventually I let go and blew out of the building and found her there

This is where it gets really weird. Apparently, while we were in there, just about everyone else in the world had either died or disappeared. All the cities were intact; cars were even moving around, but no one was in them or the people who were there were motionless, and the cars were randomly crashing into things. Obviously, at this point, i was pretty damn scared. So i yelled 'lets get the fuck out of here' to my girlfriend, and we went running down this hill of dead wild oats and found this old house. People were in there but were extremely drunk (not a bad response to the scenario, but they wouldnt share). When we asked for help they sent us to another house down the street. Upon arriving there and asking for help from this other group of very drunk people, they threw us a big round piece of bread and slammed the door, saying 'go talk to the new government'. Turns out, somehow, some new Orwellian weird socialist government had already taken over. We went to go register ourselves or something but there was a huge line and you had to pay to get in, and we had no money. So we just wandered off, and were considering trying to go back to that field and farm for a living

About that time i woke up. None of this make any sense whatsoever. weird...