The Eurofighter is military fighter plane designed for the NATO by a the union of various European countires.
At the time of writting it has still not put into service, when it is it will fufill a varitey of roles and turn into one the most important parts of many air forces in the NATO.
Business Details
This aeroplane is the result of a joint venture between the air forces of Italy, Spain, U.K. and Germany.
To deal with the separate development process of the plane, two main consortiums were formed.
To co-ordinate the English and Spanish development is Eurojet Turbo GmbH, formed in turn by shareholders
Motren-und Turbinen-Union (MTU) - 33%
Rolls-Royce - 33%
FaltAvio - 21%
Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP) - 13%
This side of the venture was commissioned to design and develop the EJ200 engine.
To liase and manage the German and Italian part of the project is Eurofighter GmbH, formed by the following members
Alenia Aerospazio - 21%
BAE Systems - 33%
EADS (CASA and DASA) - 46%
This venture was formed to deliver the Eurofighter Weapon System.
The design and aerodynamics of the machine was a joint development, aided in no small measure by the NETMA (NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) which researches and communicates with the pilots and airforces, so to speak. From this the plane has also been tagged
'Designed by pilots for pilots'.
The fourth company formed is Eurofighter International, which deals with sales and marketing side of the business. It is hopping to bag up to 50% of the sales.
History of the Eurofighter
- The First test plane model (DA1) makes a successful run from Manching, Germany
- The DA2 also made its first flight from Warton, England
- The third test, DA3, makes it test flight from Caselle, Italy
- Flight trials of the onboard ECR-90 radar are carried out
- The DA6, flies from Getafes, Spain
- The DA5, flies from Germany with the first fully operational ECR-90 radar onboard.
- DA4 flies from England, equipped with ECR-90 it is the second of the two-seater.
- The DA2 deploys for the first time to a RAF station (RAF Leeming), and undergoes hardened shelter compatibility and other trials.
* Eurofighter's first flight with large
external stores; the first
missile test firing of a Sidewinder AIM-9L; the release of a Hughes AIM-120 AMRAAM; and Eurofighter's first flight at Mach 2.0 *
First public display of a Eurofighter aircraft at a public airshow in Italy at Practica di Mare, celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Italian Air Force.
DA5 stars at the Berlin Airshow with a spectacular flying display including the first High Alpha Velocity Vector roll.
DA4 undergoes lightning strike trials at British Aerospace in Warton.
* The
Royal Norwegian Air Force evaluates DA5 at Rygge Air Force Base south of
Oslo. This is the first time an Eurofighter aircraft is taken to a potential customer nation outside the four partner countries *
- DA3 flies supersonic with external fuel tanks (1000 ltr)
- DA5 and DA4 take to the air with a new standard of Flight Control System software that allows autopilot and autothrottle functions. Both aircraft fly the latest version of the ECR 90 Radar with standard essentially the same as the Initial Operating Capability production standard. DA4 also has Active Rear Seat Capability
- New automated Final Assembly facility handed over on schedule. Delivery of major components is underway.
Single-seat, twin-engine fighter
Subsonic/supersonic sustained turn rates
Close combat manoeuvrability
Short take-off and landing
Performance requirements met at full internal tank
Long range missions
Stealth technology is incorporated in the basic design
Materials include mainly, Carbon Fibre Composites, lightweight alloys, titanium and Glass Reinforced Plastics.
Includes the integrated fuel tanks. There are full span inboard and outboard flaperons and leading edge slats, with wing tips housing the advanced defensive aid sub-system. The main undercarriage attachment is located on each wing.
The all-moving foreplanes are superplastically formed and diffusion bonded for minimum mass, high strength and optimum aerodynamic profile
Front Fuselage
The front fuselage includes the cockpit area and canopy/windscreen; foreplane actuators; a fully retractable flight refuelling probe; the radar; infrared sensor: avionics and Environmental Control Systems (ECS) bays.
Centre Fuselage
The main body includes fuel tanks; the Secondary Power System; part of the main undercarriage bay; the nose and undercarriage bay; the major wing pick-ups; and the internal gun. The airbrake is mounted on the spine, behind the cockpit.
Rear Fuselage
There are two major frames supporting the engines; the rear frame also incorporates fin and arrester hook attachments
As well as providing lateral stability, the fin also houses a number of key aircraft systems, such as ECM sensors and communications systems.
The Eurofighter Typhoon has a foreplane/delta configuration, which is aerodynamically unstable.
The advantages of an intentionally unstable design over that of a stable arrangement include greater agility - particularly at supersonic speeds; reduced drag; and an overall increase in lift (also enhancing STOL performance).
However, by its nature, an unstable aircraft cannot be flown by conventional means, and the pilot controls Eurofighter Typhoon through a computerised Flight Control System (FCS).
- Wing Span………………..10.95m (35ft 11in)
- Wing Aspect Ratio……….…….2:205
- Length (Overall) ……....….15.96m (52ft 4in)
- Height……………….…….5.28m (17ft 7in)
- Wings (Gross)…….………50.0m2 (538ft2)
- Maximum Speed…………………..Mach 2.0
- Operational Runway Length ………700m (2.297ft)
- G' Limits……………………………+9/-3'g'
- Power Plants Two Eurojet
EJ200 reheated turbofans…………...> of 90KN (20.000lbs) max. thrust each
- Basic Mass (Empty)…………..9.999kg (22.000lbs)
- Maximum……………………..Take-Off - 21.000kg (46.305lb)
In essence the Typhoon is a small,
agile and very
powerful plane that can used for
bombing and
transport as well as numerous other operations including long hauls.
interest has been taken in this aeroplane and over
600 units are to be dispatched across
Europe in the next 5 years.
***NB: I know nothing at all about airplanes and I have the sneaking supsicion I have done it all wrong, please message me if you think it van be improved***