I don't remember my first days on Everything. I can think of noding action, which was my first node, but that's all I can ever remember. I know my first nodes were stupid; they are undeveloped and not as well thought out as I would like to think my nodes are now (like cum dumpster and bloody mess; ut ut).

I don't remember Grandma Stolte. I knew her, but I can't remember a damned thing about her. All I know is that it was another cancer case, and the hospital was eerily comforting.

I don't remember what is was like to eat homemade American food every night against my will, dodging pork chops and fillet mignon.

I don't remember not knowing her. I don't remember not knowing many people. I don't remember not knowing him, or her, or him. I do remember, however, how much less full I was before I knew them all. They have added to me; they have improved me.

I don't remember how it felt to not have felt that. It is such a wonderful feeling that I'm glad I don't remember the lack. It is so different from anything else. It's so good.

I don't remember my life before the Internet. I remember playing some Doom 2 on the 486, and I remember BBSes with hyperterminal on my 9600 modem that only connected at 2400, but I don't remember any other use for a computer without Internet access.

I don't remember being literally antisocial. I should, because it wasn't that long ago really. Empty friendships I guess.

I don't remember what I started with in this writeup, nor do I remember what time I started. I think I'm finishing a bit early.