I dreamt about my step-cousin again.

It was out of the blue, my parents had decided we were going to visit my grandmother. This involved packing clothes for more than a few days, something at which I tend to suck. Not noticing it until a few hours after we arrive at my grandmother's, I hadn't even packed clothes enough for one day's change.
I wasn't too happy.

Then I discovered that my step-cousin was also visiting. This was great news to me. I hadn't seen her in a rather long time, and I very much missed her.

I never got to spend any time with her.
She and my brother had gone out into the woods behind my grandmother's house while I was probably in the bathroom or some such nonsense, because I did not join them.

Later on, they came back, again without my knowledge. When I eventually realized they had returned, I went up to see her. She was laying on the floor in one of the upstairs bedrooms, watching TV. My brother was sitting on a bed.

She was too interested in the show to listen to anything I had to say, and kept complaining about her legs, which she had apparently injured during the trip through the woods.

The next morning, my brother and I are downstairs alone, preparing breakfast. Some comment he says sparks my anger. "I can't believe you broke my Janet" was one comment that I remember saying, while throwing my bowl of cereal at him. I also recall swearing at him in many tongues, something which I have never done to anyone

I ran out the back door, and ran into the woods. Tried to find a shelter I had once built as a little kid, and couldn't. I cried myself to sleep underneath a giant boulder.

Then I woke up.