Normally, I'm the one sending people home. Not the one being sent home. Fortunately, I can ignore my boss, because the work has to get done, and I'm the only one who can do it.
Not that this work needs a lot of effort. No need for ten thousand monkeys and ten thousand typewriters. Just give me 50 reasonably well-educated chimps who can speak the English language, and I can teach them how to support thousands of imbeciles. Gotta love this job. Or not.
They want me to go home because I have been in constant pain for over a week. I have bad teeth. Right now, one of my wisdom teeth is infected, and no medication is dulling the pain. Used to be, if I had a toothache, I'd pop a ketoprofin (Orudis KT), and blammo! no more pain! Infection is a different sort of pain. Not so much inflammatory as it is directly on the nerve itself.
Needless to say, very painful.
But I have to be here to do the job. No one else here is capable or willing to do everything I do here (despite their comments to the contrary). And it's not just ego saying that - I've tested them. The HR director can't manage three kindergartners in a nap-time, much less 100+ employeess (she's supposed to be managing several departments). She keeps losing time sheets and sick notices. People aren't getting paid. Checks are supposed to be ready by noon on Fridays, it's 1:45 pm, and still no sign of them. It's no wonder I'm here on my day off.

But all is not bad. Between my girlfriend and a very sweet employee, I got "woken up" in a very nice way, when they both bit me on the neck. Very nice ;) Makes me glad I came in on my day off.