I'd like to apologize to all y'all who drove out to my place on short notice. I'm so sorry -- I didn't consult Jodi, who was at the ass end of one of the worst weeks of her life. I wish I could have been more social; I wish she hadn't spent the night sobbing about how her self-esteem died when she was cut from sorority rush at the last minute possible. I should have realized how exhausted she was.

With the exception of myself, the noders at this gathering were 100% classy. I wish I'd apologized to you in person before you moved on to NinjaPenguin's place. I love the spare tire I got as a birthday present (others received a vacuum cleaner and a microwave oven), and panamaus's gift card, and the cards and good wishes everyone else had for me. You guys are the greatest.

And here's the punchline: IT WAS A MISTAKE. They didn't mean to cut her from the rush at all! They were devastated when she didn't show up on bid day, and the president of the sorority called to apologize repeatedly. If there were any hazing, I'd say she's got a free pass now. She's been through hell. But it was my fault for letting that affect your evening, and I'm sorry.