Help me

I have a pet project at the moment. Tracking down and weeding out nodes with URLs as titles. I've already roasted (well, more like submitted-for-roasting) a great many URL nodeshells, which are even less useful. Please help me in this task by /msging me with nodes you find which have URLs as titles.

See Please stop noding websites and why you shouldn't use a URL as a node title for why I'm keen to do this. Thanks.


On with the show.
I am tallroo (hi tallroo) and I am an E2 Editor. I won't list kills requested by the user (e.g. nuke requests). All were killed mercifully unless explicitly stated.

Tue May 1, 2001

Some /msgs only. Bah! I work too hard.

Wed May 2, 2001

Came in this morning to find a troll. The first two on the following list were already at -5 (at the very top of New Writeups!), and the last couple I got before they even got on the list. Eventually, the troll was killed. Teamwork. So. On with the day...

Tue 8th May, 2001

After a long weekend, I'm back. It's enormously sunny and there's a spring in my step. Oh yes.

Lots of /msgs today, a few nuke requests and several additions to the URL project. Cheers for the /msgs everyone. Hunting some more...

Wed 9th May, 2001

Worked upwards through the Other Users nodelet, messaging anyone who seemed not to have read Everything University. Also...
  • Stephen King (thing) by g_force - time-expired mention of a King book released electronically on Amazon for $2.50. Perhaps it's still true, but Noding for the Ages it was not. -6. Msged.

Thu 10th May, 2001

Will remove some of the URL nodes today. I've added the nodeshells I had detroyed last month for reference. As usual, some nuke requests and /msgs. Plus...

Fri May 11, 2001

  • * Norwegia (thing) by ugle - redundant. Asked user before the kill.

Mon May 14, 2001

Tue May 15, 2001

Firstly, I refused a couple of Nuke Requests. For gods sake people, be cool. Read the stuff the gods have written at the top. Feel free to /msg me (or other editors) if you'd like us to consider killing another users writeups, but dumping a link in a nuke request is not cool. It encourages downvote dumping and generally looks a bit rude. It's even worse when the requests are totally unjustified, as in todays cases.


Wed May 16, 2001

I did 16 (!) nuke requests today. Then killed another 12 URL nodes. It feels like I keep stumbling across them as fast as I get rid of them. In other news... (cue news-studio-style morse code sounds) ...I've been helping to organize the daily news logs in gangstaFeelsGood's absence. It was my turn to trawl up today's news and digest it for the E2 community.

Thu May 17, 2001

E2 dead

Fri May 18, 2001

Mon May 21, 2001

Mon May 28, 2001

Hi. I'm in Vienna all of this week. If you see me around, it's because I can't keep away. Feel pity.

* = nodeshell destruction request too.