Asqui makes an interestring, if off-topic, point:

Surely most spelling mistakes in everything are just typos, rather than actual lack of spelling knowledge on the writer's part.

Typos are bad. It shows a lack of skill at typing, and we all are comunicating through typing. If there is anything that we should all be worried about it is typos. (We should not downvote bekaus of them, but we should be quite wary of such things).

But that's not the point of this node... So let's head back to the featured topic.

Shurly, if anything is indikative of a noders' intelligence, it is spelling. (Sorry, Klash, and Mary Claire van Leunen). If yor spelling is not klear, logikal, and konsistant, this is probably a sign that your thinking isn't all that klear and logikal either.

We are all intelligent pep'l, and ther is no (klear and logikal) reason we should choos an outdated tradishon over functionality. But, we du. Nearly every node in the database uses an old-fashuned and internaly inkonsistent stile uv spelling. You fools, yoos yor imaginashun! Speling shuld be a simpl and straetforward sistem uv puting yor spoken language intu print. If there is no such sistem avalabl, yu should make yor own.

There ar problems, tru, but better tu work twords a sistem that works than tu stick with wun that is needlessly komplex and konfusing. (For exampl, yu spell 'uv' with an 'o' and an 'f'. Du yu hear an 'f' in uv? I shur dont).

Learn How To Spel! Dont take sum outdated dikshunarie's word for it. Yu have a brane, yus it. Memorizashun uv esoteric knowledge is not a sutabl replacement for good ol' fashuned thinking.

Lern How Tu Think!