A followup to the classic Gauntlet games, in this 1998 Atari Games arcade machine, this game is similiar in play to the original. Up to four players at a time can explore the different worlds, face hordes of monsters, search for treasure, avoid traps, pick up and use magic, and make their way to the exits. In addition, players also have to contend with boss enemies, solve puzzles, discover power-ups, and follow the stroyline. The game has four worlds and each world has a different boss enemy: the Dragon, the Djinn, the 3-headed Chimera, and the Spider Queen.

The main object of the game is to defeat Skorne. To reach this enemy, you must collect all four keys, one from each boss enemy. The players must also collect all twelve Rune Stones that are hidden throughout the four worlds. After Skorne has been defeated, the game ends.

Like the original, the four characters in game each have different limitations. The Archer is the fastest and her beginning status is Strength 200, Speed 600, Armor 200 and Magic 350. The Warrior is the strongest and his beginning status is Strength 500, Speed 300, Armor 300 and Magic 200. The Valkyrie is the toughest and her beginning status is Strength 300, Speed 400, Armor 500 and Magic 250. The Wizard makes the most magic and his beginning status is Strength 200, Speed 400, Armor 100 and Magic 600.

Each character also has a different experience levels:

As an interesting technical note, this game actully uses a 3dfx voodoo 2 chipset for it's 3d graphics.