This was a quiet and pleasant weekend. I read, muchly. Finished Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood. Read a bit about networks. And the newspapers.
But the great activity of the weekend was certainly noding on a Palm. I used QED, because I didn't want to break the node into a gazillion little notes.
Of course, having a keyboard was very important. I also discovered that the keyboard uses a small but significant amount of power.
The photography node was well received, and, what is more important, when writing it I remembered certain things that I would not have remembered otherwise. Which is very good. Especially when lives away from home, memories are all.

Occasionally I get musical obsessions. At a certain point, I could not stop listening to the first piece of "Tous les matins du monde", a peppy march by Lully.
Today I feel the obsession with Popcorn, both in the original Jean Michel Jarre version and in the Aphex Twin ... it is not really a version. It is something that moves from one speaker to the other, and does strange things with a flanger that make your ears go pop. Anyway, I listen to this at progressively higher sound volume. To get the nuances.

During the weekend I actually woke up on Saturday night in anguish, because of something connected with the job. Then I rationalized it, and realized that the problem had been presented to the Big Kahuna, and he had elected to ignore it (he said "I'll think about this").
Which means that if now there was a large sum of money to pay, why, this is just the price of the Big Kahuna's meditation time.
It is not cheap time.

Sunday night I went to watch a silly movie at Miss Nice's. The movie was "Airbag", and it was quite funny. Not profound, but that was what I needed.

I am in a sort of suspended state. Everything is quite nice now. I have friends here. But I feel the distant call of Italy, of my family. And of my old friends there: friends with which I have done many strange, wonderful and stupid things.
I suspect that the age is past when one could do this kind of things, which means that that kind of bonding is forever out of my reach.

Friday I went to a gym, to move some weights. Some of my muscles still hurt today. I thought that I had been careful, but at a certain point, I just went biceps-happy.

The Irritating Lump Company keeps doing what it knows best. Friday afternoon a pleasant little email arrived, asking the Directors (I am a Director, strange as it may seem) to produce the 2001 planning, with detailed spending previsions, and projects and "things to make it look good".
Due ... on Thursday. Irritating as hell. And nearly impossible to do in a decent way, of course. Even more difficult with drill demons in the building.

Iron .oOo. steel