They say they love you
And they do

Sort of

One day you find yourself
Wearing a construct
An exoskeleton
You can move
See out

You built it slowly over years
Because that's what you were told to do
You wanted to be loved
It made you feel safe

There is praise
Or at least pressure to keep it on
You may not have known it was there
And slowly begin to feel
Who you really are
Awaken to the shell

One day you slip out

They are still saying how much they love you
To the empty construct

You watch bemused
For a while

You say "That isn't me."
"Of course it is," they say

"I'm over here," you say

Shock and outrage
"That's not you!
You've changed, you're depressed
Confused, manic, gone out of your mind!"
Off the deep end

You might even go back in
the construct for a little while

But now you've tasted freedom
You won't be able to stand it for long
You will be out soon

Some people will see you as you really are

Some people will tell you they still love you
But as they say it to the construct
They act as if you're still wearing it
They still think you love cucumbers
Though you ate that dish once to be polite
They hold the construct in their minds
Even after you've destroyed it
And behave the same as they ever did

As you walk away
You will wonder who they loved