"Get out of the house, I'm having sex with your mom."

Every day in America hundreds of kids and underdeveloped adults hear these words. There are possibly more in Europe and Australia. Why do so many kids who just want to have a bologna sandwich and some Sunny Delight and maybe play gin rummy with their mothers have to hear these words?

I have some theories which I will put forth now. I think sometimes these words are meant as a sign of affection between loving couples but that isn't what I will go on about now. What I will go on about now is dirty filling station attendants and mall security personnel coming into broken homes and having sex with kids' moms.

What kind of human being deliberately has sex with a kid's mom? And what kind of human being goes into a kid's house and touches the bottom of the mother of one or more kids and then tells the kid or kids to get out of the house so he can continue the sexual advances leading up to intercourse and anal play? As Americans we need to look into this issue. We need to spend a lot more time looking into it before more kids end up on drugs.

There are more hardlinks in the first paragraph of this daylog than in any other paragraph due to easily recognizable words.

When I was a youngster growing up in post war Germany, these sort of activities involving gas station attendants and deli workers coming into houses and having sex with your mom did not happen. There was also not any Internet and there was a very safe wall running through my beloved Berlin. The rise in questionable persons coming into houses and having sex with your mom while telling you to get out of the house while he did his nasty business is likely on the rise because of one or both of these hard cold facts. We have to either erase everything on the Internet or put the wall back up or both depending on which is responsible.

Here is how it progresses and I have seen it with my own eyes while sitting and having lunch at an outdoor cafe near Faidley's in old Baltimore. I watch a woman having a drink and a salad when a character wearing a jumpsuit or supermarket uniform approaches her. He will then buy her another drink while moving his thumb and index finger around his crotchal area to highlight the size of his manly organ. She then nods, finishes the bought drink and then takes him home. There they give the kids some coinage and send them to the arcade or movies. You can guess the rest.

This must stop. Erase the Internet now.

I was at a convenience store recently purchasing smoked walnuts and cheese of questionable origin when I took note of two youths in the parking lot smoking cigarettes and fiddling with an obviously stolen cellular telephone. I asked them why they weren't doing their homework and watching quality network television programs and supporting the president through the dark days he's been seeing lately. They responded to me that they were asked to leave the house because an employee of the Greater Baltimore Park System was having sex with their mom. They had been asked to leave and were given ten dollars to spend while they were away. Their mom met this "man" on the Internet.

Erase the Internet now. This is your last chance. Think of your mom. Also, think about your ex-wife and all the characters she's been letting having intercourse with her lately without protection. Do you have any idea how often your ex-wife is getting hard banged in the bed you bought with her? Your children know because of the Internet and that awful little phrase heard all too often in today's America, Europe and parts of Australia.

"Get out of the house, I'm having sex with your mom."

For shame. We need more laws about marriage and fewer guys kissing other guys in public. For shame. For punishment go and think about how often your ex-wife and former girlfriends are having sex with characters and ask yourself why she is enjoying it more than she did when she was with you. Erase the Internet now.