Your friend Behr (very close friend - close enough to do frequent "drop bys" internet kiddie slang for coming over without asking and disregarding closed doors), has returned to the aboveground world sponsored by a female noder who has asked her name be held in confidence (because she agrees with me that MANY must be put in Trump Camps after his landslide victory in 2020). I am not living with her because she fears for her clhildren's safety "if a man like you is in our home." I am living with Noder Stan who wrote "Ride a Pony to Clarksville" and "Antenna Jones" for the BBC.
He eats bean sprouts so I slit his throat and took over his home as my new base of operations here in Philadelphia where I am wearing a disguise so the FBI and other agencies don't see me (they think I'm dead because I took out all my internal organs to prove medical science incorrect about EVERYTHING). Ii will not tell you about this because I fear liberals and their shady Soros ilk may be nesting with us. Fucking nesters. I hate them. GET OUT OF THE NEST AND GET A JOB.
That was for them, the leakers, the liberal scum, who pollute our galaxy with their incorrect thinking (they rely on science a lot which has been proven false MANY TIMES).
I am going to the supermarket later today and then to find some bar I've seen Danny DeVito hanging out in on television. It is supposed to be in Philadelphia (where I am now hiding out in a kind of witness protection program while I work to make certain that the good work of the Big Guy from Hades is carried out here in the aboveground world which needs severe discipline. And a lot of it. Whipping adults in front of their children with metal cords that are on fire is what needed to happen SOON or I will lose it. And when I lose it I usually get on an elevator that has one sad looking guy in frumpy clothes and gut him in the elevator to once again prove medical science to be DEAD WRONG.
I have an X-Man type hand with 17 motorized attachments. Lets see your proven false many times "science" explain THAT! It evenually just turns into one of those elves eating salad moments when the pathetic loser "scientists" get down on their knees and beg not to be sent to the camps and I do anyway because GROVELERS MUST ALL DIE if we are to become a great country. The thinning of the herd will begin with grass. Let us kill the lesser things first. If I was president I would declare war on grass and burn everyone's lawns and fields and crap like that and prove we are superior to grass. Then we will begin with various other plants and KILL THEM ALL and then we will consider the fate of trees and shrubs and then we will talk. But you must keep my identity secret as I am on the FBI's Most Wanted list for plotting genocide and murdering my neighbors in a proper exposition of the manifest destiny clause of the US Constitution. I swear to God it is. That is neither here (nor there). We have to move on from those misadventures of the past and plot a new course. If we are to embrace the ideas I hold then we must be willing to express this. We will start with grass. Begin killing the grass now.
I want you all to get hopped up on speed and other chemicals that make you crazy and run through your town KILLING THE GRASS in my name for I am back from Hades!
My friends.