The following instructions are from a leader of the Hollow Earth Society who is presently being given a tour of Hollow Earth by a Venusian.
In a lucid dreaming state I received information for levitation.
The levitation state went on for a very long time, in which there was an
individual who came and asked me 'how to levitate' as I was flying around.
I told the person this:
Draw a circle on the floor. Standing, place your hands spread out with palms towards the circle. Concentrate on passing energy from your hands into the center of the circle. Push your hands downward into the circle many times over. You will feel a steady flow of energy that when you place yourself behind it, will lift your body up. Keep moving your arms and steadying this flow of energy, until you reach a level high enough where you can glide in the magnetic breezes that continually encircle the earth.
Your body's frequency will adjust to your behavior and will cause your body to emit energy off the electrical grid that encompasses the Earth. This is the same grid that the Cetaceans ride in the oceans.
Once your body becomes fully saturated with this magnetic frequency you will be able to access it immediately. It will become, in accordance, a more normal state of being.