When I was in chemotherapy my wife and I similarly called this "putting it on the cancer." As in: "I was really hungry but we don't have any money, so I called up some friends who worked in a restaurant and put some food on the cancer." Like it was a American Express card or something....

Maybe not the most moral idea in the world, but I was potentially dying, in pain, and majorly inconvenienced. Cancer patients don't become angels, with only pure motives, just because they happen to be victims. Often they are particularly looking for ways to vent their frustrations at the lack of control over life and inevitability of death. I don't consider this a darker side of cancer victims, but an essential humanness.

Also, this was one of the only ways my wife and I could find to poke fun at the situation we were in. We were both 19, broke, uninsured, had been married a month, were preparing to move, and boom! I get diagnosed with cancer.