user since
Mon Apr 2 2001 at 08:33:53 (23.6 years ago )
last seen
Fri Oct 22 2010 at 17:47:07 (14 years ago )
number of write-ups
72 - View isogolem's writeups (feed)
level / experience
9 (Archivist) / 4667
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Here's my best answer so far...
Reading, writing, and dying for the cause.
I take the 5th. ... Okay, it starts with an 'M'.
Be Drinkable.
most recent writeup
August 24, 2005
Send private message to isogolem

I solemnly covenant that 100% of my writeups shall be actual writeups

And if you ask me...

E2 is more than an encyclopedia

Email: isogolem at hotmail dot com

So green, I can't snap. (5 Dec 2002)
... Okay, not anymore, but I still wouldn't burn very well. (25 Feb 2003)
... Well, now I would. (30 Mar 2003)
... But I'd have to smoke first - which I don't do anymore. (1 Feb 2004)
... Damn, I lit myself on fire.(1 Aug 2004)
... Dunked myself in water as birthday present to myself.(2 Nov 2004)
... Smouldering again. On the other hand, now I can C!. I feel so ripped. (17 May 2005)
... I've posted one writeup in the last 18 months. But I've also stopped donating to the tobacco industry. (4 Dec 2005)

Yes, I joined years ago on a flag from slashdot. E2 looked interesting. But before I could do anything, bad things happened. After a while, things got better. About two weeks before my first wu, I returned. So, I don't know some of the E2 history I "should".

I like thinking in pipe link.

People who I've talked to who've helped me become a better noder (Special mention for xdjio my ex-mentor.)
* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

Some homenodes are definitely better


(2003-02-21) czeano says re New Nightmare: i'm quite cynical of the horror genre and have never liked any that i've seen but your plethora of writeups have actually piqued my interest. I think I will start with New Nightmare as it sounds academically fascinating
(2003-03-17) czeano says re New Nightmare: Wow. That was fascinating. Now I guess I'll have to watch the original... It certainly wasn't as "scary" as I thought it'd be.

(2003-03-04) montecarlo says Did you know that "iso" in Finnish means "big", "great"? iso-golem = Great Golem. That's really something, ain't it?

(2003-05-05) StrawberryFrog says re human sexual displays thanks for the typo alert, Mr StandardConstruct

(2003-09-30) eliserh says Btw, is the ISO in your name the international standards organisation?

(2003-10-29) Cool Man Eddie says Hey, isogolem, vandewal just cooled your sawdustios writeup, baby! (His first C! I'm honored.)

(2004-01-29) isogolem says Oooo. XP=3001. I feel so sci-fi.

(2004-05-10) Cool Man Eddie says Hey, isogolem, bane221 just cooled your Technically it doesn't count writeup, baby! (His second C! I'm on a roll. Now if could just remember how to node.)

(2004-08-21) QuantumBeep says Are you an ISO of a GOLEM? I didn't know you could get a golem on CD.

I do node audits now, too. But my time is heavily constrained, so start by reading this node. After you've read that, if you still want feedback from me, send me a /msg starting with "I've read your node about 'Revising Prose' but I'd like some other feedback on:" and list between one and five of your writeups as hard links. If you have specific questions about those writeups, all the better. I'll comment (a lot) and vote as I see fit.

Feeling a lack:

the edge of my attention span
She was cilantro, jalepeno, habanero. She was the hot plate you must not touch.
Poor you, sitting there all flirted with
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel
Perhaps pain will stop me where good sense and virtue have failed
Come sweet slumber enshroud me in thy purple cloak
The Decline and Fall of The American Empire
I'd rather be alone
Her fluidity under a thin sheet
I had a really good time tonight
Rats in the Garbage of the Western World
magic going on all over the place
whiskey tango foxtrot, over
I'm a little source code short and stout, here is my input here is my out
It did not get nicer, but it sure got a hell of a lot more honest
I say we nuke the site from orbit
Just keep it down until you understand what you're saying
It's not about rules, it's about relationships
Be your own fiction. After that, the story almost writes itself.

On my list*:
Charlie Don't Surf
Niced Out of Disneyland
Microsoft's .NET strategy (Less rant, more relevant commentary?)
Driven to Distraction (I keep meaning to node it, but ...)
inattentional blindness
She smelled of trouble ("I don't know what's in there!")
Sex Tourism (for ikura)
Until death do us part
It's better than nonfiction. It's 'reality'.
All That Jazz
Don't think now. There will be time for that when she is gone.
I do what she tells me to do
attention economy
gender neutral pronoun
As he showered it began to rain
REM Addiction (Leigh)
Now I am become ideath, the destroyer of words (this started it)
I Want to Touch You (Ghost story)
unity candle
Team Leader
Bondage Tape (aka Flexisex)
Which came first, the ghost or the darkness?
The First Against the Wall When the Revolution Comes
The Beauty of Nature (Orcas killing a baby whale: "They were so cute at Seaworld.")
15 Minutes of fame (Deeply superficial - contratidiction in terms)
Love the box (No, not that box.)
Showing the pink to get the green (In this case, yes, that pink.)
Recess for Criminals
whoever gives many reasons tells many lies
Confront the spectacle with its own irrelevance
There's a singer, then you (Jay Leno)
polar fleece
A villain is the hero of his own story
Talk is cheap
The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing
gravity is a harsh mistress
Decide what you want to say, then say it
Decide what you want to say, then don't say it
less is more
stand taller, rise above, reach deeper, no assumptions
Try playing the glad game now, bitch!
path of consequence
water heater
The 48 Laws of Power
You are what you do
e2 is unfriendly to short writeups
know your audience
curiosity killed the cat
Whatever I said, I'm sorry
Shakespeare and the Evening News
Audience as Co-creator (Reader as co-author)

* - Many of these nodes have write-ups in them already, many of them very good. The nodes are on this list because, at one point or another, I had a thought I believed might add depth to this the node.

Cooler than Jesus:


E2 Specific:

My bookmarks are a manifestation of my ... Oh, I don't know. I book mark lots of things, and when I run out of hard link ideas I hit this list for help.

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