Let's play a little game today. I'll give you the facts and you decide what's the best answer.

Here's the facts:

Ok, let's say you've known this girl for three months. You're attracted to her, but you're not sure how she feels about you because she is shy and doesn't ever talk about her feelings. You hang out together a lot with friends and have had a few encounters together alone.

During the times you've been together, she has done the following:

  • Taken your hand, put it on her thigh, wrapped her arms around yours and put her head on your shoulder.
  • When about 7 of your friends shared a hotel room, you took the floor, but she invited you to lie in the bed with her. But even after you insisted that you're ok on the floor, she talks you into lying next to her anyway. Then after lying down for a minute, she puts her arm on top of you and rubs it across your chest a few times.
  • Taken your hand while riding a roller coaster and while walking through a park, and squeezing your hand back strongly when you squeeze hers lightly.
  • When you tell her how you feel about her and how she makes you so happy, she cries and tells you how sweet you are.
  • Leans right up against you when you're standing close, especially if you give her backscratches.

Now there's the facts, now the multiple-choice question. Choose what you think is the most likely answer.

Does she:

Feel free to /msg me your choice.

Maybe someone can look at these signals and tell me that I'm not crazy for thinking she was attracted to me.