I am losing weight unintentionally. This is a very
bad thing. My mom confronted me today to talk about stuff, see if I was stressed, the whole familiar routine. My parents are incredibly astute when it comes to noticing the
prominence of certain bones of my body, even when I can’t see a difference. My
clavicles have always been painfully pointed, although lately you might say they could
take out an eye. Quite dangerous.
I’ve been making a special effort to get food throughout the day. My appetite sucks (thank you Prozac) so I often skip meals. That combined with a history of acute anorexia nervosa leads to a dwindling exterior appearance and more worry than I can handle coming from all social connections. Here’s my intake of the day:
- Breakfast:
- Lunch:
- Dinner:
Overall, a very successful day. My parents were pleased to see me eat lunch at home with the family instead of running out
as usual. Bean, being his healthy self once more, politely and subtly begged for a
hotdog. I gave him a little piece of a normal beef one, and I’m pretty sure he managed to eat it all on his own. Gus (the
bulldog) was busy trying to get the flower
pollen out of his left ear, so Bean went unchallenged in his food seeking adventures.
I saw something extremely disturbing this afternoon. The step-sister of a close friend of mine sent him the address to a site displaying pictures of a West Ottawa High School alumnus wearing a West Ottawa shirt… and having sex with someone. This person graduated in ‘98 when I was merely a freshman, but I still remember seeing him in the halls. Seeing him screwing some random chick is the last thing I thought would happen. I am left with only one question, however: who was taking these pictures? He and the girl were too busy to have helped.
On a lighter note, I watched the fireworks with some friends downtown. We were on the edge of Lake Macatawa, exactly across from the house of the before mentioned step-sister’s mother which was recently vacated in return for half a million dollars. The fireworks were not as good as Tulip Time, but nonetheless, and excuse to get together with my girls and hang out doesn’t need to involve amazingly stunning light displays. We would have been content watching the single dead fish float across the shore if left with no other choice.
On the way back to Kimmie’s house afterwards, we turned on the subwoofers in her trunk and tried not to let our vision blur.