This morning was boring. This afternoon was boring. Well, I'm boring, but hey, who's counting?

Spent half the afternoon in a brooding frenzy, ready to split that guy's lip the next time I see him. So is it too much to just ask to be friends? If he doesn't want to talk to me, all he has to do is say, "I'm sorry, I don't want to talk right now." This is not fucking rocket science here!! In the past four days, I've said hello to him, I've asked him a small question here and there, just to see if there's a chance of any type of friendly banter, and what does he do? Nothing. Says not a word. Does not ask how I am. Does not fucking give a rat's ass. Well, screw it. I'm surprised I ever cared. Okay, okay, so I'm still pretty fucking pissed, but I'll get over it.

This evening got... interesting. Went to the local coffee shop where all my friends hang out, and got to talk to the nice guy again. He bought me some drinks, and we flirted a little... I could really really like this guy, but there's only a slight technicality. He's twice my age. At one point, he actually looked me in the eye and said, "You know, I'm way too old for you." Well, duh, but you're the nicest thing to walk near me in a very long time. Not to mention, very clean cut, sophisticated and "GQ". I go apeshit for those GQ guys. So, does age really matter? Isn't attitude everything? I'm stuck... he left, and in my slightly buzzed state, I could suddenly think of nothing but his eyes, his smile, and my clothes on his floor. Naughty...