Sometimes I feel as if I walk along a precipice that is so wide and so deep that it takes my breath away. Sometimes I find it inspiring but for the most part…
The edge, it frightens me One voice inside my head whispers jump For you’ll soar high above the clouds and visit the stars and they will feel like home You’ll experience a sense a freedom and floating That you’ve only ever dreamt about Don’t be afraid of the ground below, it’s safer up here.
The edge, it frightens me One voice inside my head whispers stay It’s much safer where you are right now What if your wings don’t work and it is all a lie? And you come crashing down into the gaping maw? Be afraid of what you don’t know
The edge, it frightens me What if either one of the voices that whisper inside my head is right And one of them is wrong Which one do I listen to? How do I choose? I’m too afraid to turn around though Because then I’ll just see what I already know
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