The colour mapping of the chakras is a simple rainbow. In addition, there is a "principle" which attaches to, or is centred in, each chakra. If activities and feelings concerning these matters are not dealt with, they build up in the psychic body and will eventually manifest themselves in the physical body. An example of this is that ulcers, stomach pain and lower back pain can all be linked (at least sometimes - strong adherents may say always) to fear of external control, lack of self control and/or related feelings of helplessness.

Meditation is the generally recommended route to chakric healing. The ideal is that of living in the moment which stops a build up of emotion in the chakras as events are dealt with as they occur rather than being stored in the psychic body.

The lower chakras tend to hold negativity. The Heart or fourth chakra is the fulcrum and once the negativity in the chakras below are released, Unconditional Love is brought into being, allowing the higher chakras to flower into full positive use.

From the base chakra at the bottom of the spine to the highest at the crown of the head, the chakras are:

  1. Red Survival - fear of death
  2. Orange Sensation - the physical body, sex
  3. Yellow Power - issues of control
  4. Green Heart - emotional feeling, loving without posessiveness
  5. Blue Creativity - innovation, artistic creativity
  6. Indigo Mind - consciousness, the Higher Self
  7. Violet Spirit - transcendence