uranus, and it's placement in the sky is used in astrology to describe individualism, rebellion, and freedom. because uranus spends seven years in each sign, the effects are societal, rather than personal. uranus symbolizes:

  • ways in which society will rebel1
  • how society brings about change
  • how society tries to be different
the placement of this planet within the zodiac will give an indication as to how society (and the individual components of that society) are expressing their independence and uniqueness . uranus is currently in aquarius.

in astrological charts, uranus is symbolized as:

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1 for example: uranus was in libra from 1968 - 1975. during this time period, one of the major social issues was the vietnam war. with libra symbolizing peace, love, and beauty, is it any suprise at the social movements of the time were focused on changing for the positive, and trying to effect this change with peaceful passive protests? the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement -- all were primarily non-aggressive, very libran.